Mosgiel-Taieri, Mosgiel

2545 days ago

Poll: Should there be stricter testing on sunscreens?

Elesha Gordon from

Almost half of NZ sunscreens reportedly fail to live up to their most basic claims - to protect us from the sun. Some sunscreens brands haven’t even tested their product on people which may mean people are misled about the actual protect a sunscreen provides. Do you think New Zealand should have … View moreAlmost half of NZ sunscreens reportedly fail to live up to their most basic claims - to protect us from the sun. Some sunscreens brands haven’t even tested their product on people which may mean people are misled about the actual protect a sunscreen provides. Do you think New Zealand should have mandatory standards for sunscreen? Read the full Stuff story here.

Should there be stricter testing on sunscreens?
  • 93.3% Yes, it should have mandatory standards
    93.3% Complete
  • 1.4% No, I am happy with how it is.
    1.4% Complete
  • 3.5% I have found a brand I trust, so this doesn't affect me.
    3.5% Complete
  • 1.8% I don't know / I have no opinion
    1.8% Complete
3313 votes
2548 days ago


Ivan from North Dunedin


2549 days ago

Clutha e-waste freebie finishes 4.30pm Thursday

Reporter Clutha Leader

It was supposed to have lasted a couple of weeks, but the Clutha District Council's e-waste freebie, where households could drop-off a TV and computer at the Mt Cooee landfill free of charge will have ended by 4.30pm Thursday.

Uptake was so high that the initiative barely lasted four days.… View more
It was supposed to have lasted a couple of weeks, but the Clutha District Council's e-waste freebie, where households could drop-off a TV and computer at the Mt Cooee landfill free of charge will have ended by 4.30pm Thursday.

Uptake was so high that the initiative barely lasted four days. The council's waste minimisation team set aside $2,000 to fund the project, which disappeared pretty fast in the rush. This was officer Laura Gourley:

" We've had such a great response from people wanting to recycle their TVs and computers that the fund set aside to cover the cost of this scheme is finished! A huge thanks to everyone who took part. Council will be reviewing final numbers of items and what future initiatives we might run. Remember you can still recycle your e-waste at Mt Cooee, but normal fees will apply - they can be found here:
Shared with Kaka Point + 5 Other Neighbourhoods in Noticeboard

2549 days ago

Neighbours Day is coming up!

The Team from Neighbours Aotearoa

How will you connect? Choose one of our four ways to host an event! Here's our video for BBQs on the Berm! For more resources about hosting your BBQ or to sign up head here:

2550 days ago

It's that time again!


Hi neighbours! Get decorating while the warmer weather is here!

Right now you can save the GST on Resene premium paints, stains, primers, sealers, wallpaper, decorating accessories and cleaning products at your local Resene ColorShop and participating resellers. Plus check out the extra savingsView more
Hi neighbours! Get decorating while the warmer weather is here!

Right now you can save the GST on Resene premium paints, stains, primers, sealers, wallpaper, decorating accessories and cleaning products at your local Resene ColorShop and participating resellers. Plus check out the extra savings you can enjoy with a Resene ColorShop Card or Resene DIY Card! Offer runs until 31 January 2018.
Find out more

2551 days ago

Sign up and be in to WIN a $100 Prezzy Card!


Hi neighbours, if you know a school leaver searching for a career then this could be a big help. They could get a job where they can earn and learn, gain national qualifications and build a great career in aviation, tourism, travel, retail, retail supply chain or hospitality.

The … View more
Hi neighbours, if you know a school leaver searching for a career then this could be a big help. They could get a job where they can earn and learn, gain national qualifications and build a great career in aviation, tourism, travel, retail, retail supply chain or hospitality.

The Career Kick-Starter Guide created by ServiceIQ (industry training organisation for these exciting service sectors) helps them choose.

Sign up now to receive your free copy and go in the draw to WIN a $100 Prezzy Card!
Enter here

2551 days ago

Think it's hot? It's been hotter.

The Team Reporter from Dunedin News

In the southeastern suburb of Musselburgh, Dunedin reached its record high of 35.7C on 27 January 1981. Records date back to 1947.

What are you doing to keep cool this summer?

Read more here:
