Rural West Whangarei, Maungakaramea

2667 days ago

Long Term Plan - join the conversation

Whangarei District Council

From Here to Where for Whangarei? We want to know your views on our 2018-2028 Long Term Plan.
There are multiple ways for you to get involved - for more information or to join the conversation, visit

2673 days ago

2-Man Kyak

Chris from Maunu

Hi Neighbours!  We were wondering if anyone has a 2-man kyak lurking in their garage that they want rid of?  We're pensioners, so this is probably complete folly, but we would like to give it a go!  Any offers?  Thank You!

2675 days ago

Our native trees need your help

Ministry for Primary Industries

Myrtle rust is a fungus that can destroy our native and taonga trees such as pōhutukawa, mānuka, kānuka and rātā. It also attacks feijoa trees. Severe infestations can kill affected plants and have long-term impacts on the regeneration of young plants and seedlings.
And it’s now in New … View more
Myrtle rust is a fungus that can destroy our native and taonga trees such as pōhutukawa, mānuka, kānuka and rātā. It also attacks feijoa trees. Severe infestations can kill affected plants and have long-term impacts on the regeneration of young plants and seedlings.
And it’s now in New Zealand – sightings have been reported in Kerikeri in Northland, Waitara in Taranaki and Te Kuiti in Waikato.

If you see it, DO NOT TOUCH OR DISTURB THE PLANT. Please take a photo and call us immediately on 0800 80 99 66.

To find out more about the invasive Myrtle rust fungus please visit
Find out more

2679 days ago

Radio NZ 8 year funding freeze

Byron from Hikurangi Coastal

Received this today from
We won!  You were amongst the 32,337 who demanded a thaw of Radio New Zealand’s funding, today the melt has begun.
It's just over a month since we delivered our petition to Parliament, and today the Government responded with a $2.85m … View more
Received this today from
We won!  You were amongst the 32,337 who demanded a thaw of Radio New Zealand’s funding, today the melt has begun.
It's just over a month since we delivered our petition to Parliament, and today the Government responded with a $2.85m funding boost in the budget announced earlier this afternoon! 1

People power has prevailed in this case. The quality independent journalism that RNZ delivers is crucial to maintain our democracy. The Government has finally done something to recognise this.

But, it doesn’t go as far as we’d hoped. Dr Peter Thompson, from the Coalition for Better Broadcasting recently calculated that RNZ is now underfunded by $14m a year. 2
When you compare this boost to the $60 million per year the Government has committed to attracting Hollywood Producers, it does make you wonder about priorities. 3 
While we celebrate the $2.85m boost there’s still much more work to do.

1. Budget 2017 at a glance, RNZ, 25 May 2017
2. RNZ:'Every ice age ends', Newsroom, 23 May 2017
3. Hunt for the Funding-people, Māori TV, 23 May 2017


You may remember the TV news item 12 April 2017 where the 32,000 signature petition was presented to opposition MPs, in a big block of ice. The government declined to accept it.

The small $2.85m funding boost, will soon be used up to pay the rent on the Auckland building they no longer own. During the eight year funding freeze, the Government said they had to sell it.
The Budget is the usual ‘minimum change, maximum headline’ stunt. Remember, the finance minister was their election campaign manager - he knows all these techniques.

RNZ listenership has risen dramatically. See their Annual Report:
So the people like it, even if the Govt doesn't.

This is worth six minutes of your time: "The Fix Is In"

2676 days ago

Thank you for responding to my message

Annette Lambly-Robinson Reporter from Whangārei Leader

Hi all,
Thank you so much for sharing your concerns, story ideas, responses, and kind words to my message. We have had a lot more responses than we expected, so I won't be able to respond to every message right away. But over the next week, we'll aim to be in touch with those we feel we… View more
Hi all,
Thank you so much for sharing your concerns, story ideas, responses, and kind words to my message. We have had a lot more responses than we expected, so I won't be able to respond to every message right away. But over the next week, we'll aim to be in touch with those we feel we could do a story or some kind of follow up.
Thanks again,
Annette - Whangarei Leader
