Boulcott, Lower Hutt

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1177 days ago

LAST CHANCE! Our Christmas specials are almost out the door


There's only four days left for you to take advantage of our specials across select magazine titles.

Give the gift that keeps on giving this year with a subscription to the New Zealand Gardener, NZ House & Garden, or the TV Guide.

1182 days ago


Steve from Hutt Central

Hi there..... I have had my first Covid jab and won't get my second for another 2-3 weeks. The problem I have is I desperately need a haircut, but can't get one from a hairdresser without a vaccine pass. I was wondering if there are any hairdressers who would be willing to cut my hair … View moreHi there..... I have had my first Covid jab and won't get my second for another 2-3 weeks. The problem I have is I desperately need a haircut, but can't get one from a hairdresser without a vaccine pass. I was wondering if there are any hairdressers who would be willing to cut my hair at your place sometime this weekend.

1178 days ago

Vote for your favourite provider to WIN!

The Team from NZ Compare

The NZ Compare People’s Choice Awards will go to a NZ Internet Provider and a NZ Power Provider, who have achieved success based on those that matter most to them, their community, stakeholders, staff and customers. These awards are in the hands of the public, that’s YOU!

Online voting closes … View more
The NZ Compare People’s Choice Awards will go to a NZ Internet Provider and a NZ Power Provider, who have achieved success based on those that matter most to them, their community, stakeholders, staff and customers. These awards are in the hands of the public, that’s YOU!

Online voting closes 4th February 2022. Over 4,000 votes already in!

It’s quick and painless, vote today for your favourite Broadband and Power Provider to help them win the People’s Choice Award for 2021!

1183 days ago

Hutt Valley achieves full-vaccination target of 90 per cent

Reporter Community News

The Hutt Valley has become the sixth region to achieve a full vaccination rate of 90 per cent.
Ministry of Health figures show the milestone was achieved on Monday, with the Hutt Valley District Health board joining the Auckland, Waitematā, Capital & Coast, Canterbury and Southern DHBs that … View more
The Hutt Valley has become the sixth region to achieve a full vaccination rate of 90 per cent.
Ministry of Health figures show the milestone was achieved on Monday, with the Hutt Valley District Health board joining the Auckland, Waitematā, Capital & Coast, Canterbury and Southern DHBs that have also reached the mark.
While the overall population in the valley has reached the Government target, Māori and Pasifika uptake is behind at 78 and 84 per cent, respectively. The proportion of partially vaccinated people in those populations are 89 per cent for Māori and 92 per cent for Pasifika.

1179 days ago

Your Bin Collections over the Holidays

Hutt City Coucil

Every home and business will receive a new recycling calendar in early 2022. In the meantime, your regular weekly schedule will continue as usual through the Christmas and New Year period.

You can check your collection days or download the 2022 calendar now at
Find out more

1185 days ago

Way Back Wednesday

Reporter Community News

The picture is a bit fuzzy but who is this?

1180 days ago

Lower Hutt – your river city

Hutt City Council

RiverLink is a partnership between Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency working together with our Mana Whenua partners – Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika.

We’re working collaboratively to deliver three separate but … View more
RiverLink is a partnership between Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency working together with our Mana Whenua partners – Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika.

We’re working collaboratively to deliver three separate but interdependent projects: flood protection, revitalising Lower Hutt’s central city, and Melling transport improvements.
Find out more

1180 days ago

Unique Waxing services local

Robert from Maungaraki

Hey - Heard about Waxing by YoggieBear?
Waxing for MEN by men, but LADIES, we also cater to you if you prefer, or would like to try a male Technician.

Guys - why not get the monobrow, ears and nose hair tidied up or get those shoulders etc smooth (ladies, feel free to book your guys in with us as … View more
Hey - Heard about Waxing by YoggieBear?
Waxing for MEN by men, but LADIES, we also cater to you if you prefer, or would like to try a male Technician.

Guys - why not get the monobrow, ears and nose hair tidied up or get those shoulders etc smooth (ladies, feel free to book your guys in with us as a gift or surprise).

Yes, intimate waxing is also available.

If you're unsure of waxing (especially you guys out there) or need advice, fell free to contact Robert on 027 315 5533 or head to


1180 days ago

Volunteering for NZ Blood Service

Kathy Twydle-McDonald from NZ Blood Service - Hutt Valley

NZ Blood Service is looking for people who are interested in volunteering at our mobile blood drive in Avalon. Volunteers will be responsible for serving refreshments and making sure our blood donors are well looked after. Training and support is provided.
There are currently opportunities for … View more
NZ Blood Service is looking for people who are interested in volunteering at our mobile blood drive in Avalon. Volunteers will be responsible for serving refreshments and making sure our blood donors are well looked after. Training and support is provided.
There are currently opportunities for shifts on Thursdays and Fridays, with both weekly and fortnightly options available.

For further information, please contact Kathy on the below details: or 027 552 5174.

1181 days ago

Get decorating and save with the Resene Save the GST Value sale!


Now's a great time to get decorating and Save the GST value (15% off the full retail price) on Resene Premium Paints, Wood Stains, Primers, Sealers, Wallpaper, Decorating Accessories and Cleaning Products!

Plus if you're a Resene DIY Cardholder get an extra 5% off! If you don't … View more
Now's a great time to get decorating and Save the GST value (15% off the full retail price) on Resene Premium Paints, Wood Stains, Primers, Sealers, Wallpaper, Decorating Accessories and Cleaning Products!

Plus if you're a Resene DIY Cardholder get an extra 5% off! If you don't have a card, you can sign up free online,, or while you are in store.

Offer available at Resene owned ColorShops and participating resellers until 1 February 2022.
Find out more

1181 days ago


Grant from Hutt Central

In good condition. Some light staining on top

Price: $25

1181 days ago

Growtime Cot, Mattress and accessories

Grant from Hutt Central

In excellent condition. The cot sells for $899 new. Comes with Growtime mattress (no stains) and fitted sheet, mattress protector and two brolly sheets.

Price: $450

1182 days ago

Is your pet feeling festive?

Christmas Pets

We want to see your pets (big or small) ready for the silly season. They could be donning their Christmas day get-up, curled up in wrapping paper, attacking the tree - or just sitting like a 'good boy' in front of it.

By sharing a picture on our Christmas Pets page, you could … View more
We want to see your pets (big or small) ready for the silly season. They could be donning their Christmas day get-up, curled up in wrapping paper, attacking the tree - or just sitting like a 'good boy' in front of it.

By sharing a picture on our Christmas Pets page, you could be in to win one of ten $100 vouchers.

Don’t have a pet? No trouble; photos of Christmassy houseplants, soft toys or family members are also entirely welcome.
Find out more

1185 days ago

Who's poo!

Ian from Naenae

...Kia ora neighbours, I am seeking help with two issues that need urgent attention in my vegetable garden's. I wake up each day to find Cat Pòó in my raised garden's! Have had 20+ years of cleaning up Dog Pòó so I know the difference. Any ideas as how I can prevent this nasty … View more...Kia ora neighbours, I am seeking help with two issues that need urgent attention in my vegetable garden's. I wake up each day to find Cat Pòó in my raised garden's! Have had 20+ years of cleaning up Dog Pòó so I know the difference. Any ideas as how I can prevent this nasty situation from happening would be appreciated. Also, why do I have to clean up "your" cat's crap in the first place. Damn sure you'd be up in arms if my dog craps! on your lawn, (which has never happened). One suggestion by a not so friendly neighbour was to use it as fertilizer but my vege growth is 100% no additives, no chemicals, dyes, or traces of meat products. Just water and mother nature!
Any useful hints, ideas would be appreciated!

1182 days ago

Olden Days Christmas Cake REMEMBER?

Sandra from Normandale

Still have the plaster Santa, the wee tree died but the memories of Mums OLDEN Day Christmas cake decorating.
