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David and Sandra from Saint Leonards
2024 is the 50th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for World Peace, which started in 1974 and now welcomes every one of any faith, or none, to take part.
The 2024 Week will start on Sunday the 13 October and run through to Sunday 20 of October. The events during the Week include an interfaith … View more2024 is the 50th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for World Peace, which started in 1974 and now welcomes every one of any faith, or none, to take part.
The 2024 Week will start on Sunday the 13 October and run through to Sunday 20 of October. The events during the Week include an interfaith service at Saint Patrick’s Church, 4 Munroe Street, Napier South, on Sunday 13 October at 4.0 pm, to which everyone of any faith, or none, is invited. No admission charge.
A booklet with prayers and readings from many different faiths and traditions, for each day of the Week, can be found on Facebook at WPWPNZ2014.
There will also be a program on Radio Hawke’s Bay about the Week of Prayer, Mondays after the 2.00 pm news and weather during October. Frequencies are 104.7 FM, 1431 AM, or on the internet
You may not know it, but in many faiths and traditions you can find the same or similar Golden Rule that you should treat others with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
Geoff from Hastings Central
Excellent condition. Sealy mattress and base.Wanting $490.Could deliver in Hastings area Ph 0274 444 215.Geoff
Elizabeth from Karamu - Waipatu
Does anyone have a fitness rowing machine they want to sell. Text Liz 02109000344.
Owner/Proprietor from Anywhere Moving And Storage Ltd
Packing material for moving, boxes from $4 each incl GST, tape from $5 a roll , paper $50 for 10KG, bubble $3/metre and bed bags $7 each
Price: $4
It’s a lot of fun (and easy) to turn a terracotta plant pot and saucer into your very own toadstool table with Resene Poppy and Resene Alabaster paint.
Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
Find out more
Linda from Akina
Garage Sale
WHEN: This SAT 12th OCT 9.30-11.30am
WHERE: Corner of Beech Rd and Willowpark Rd SOUTH (400 Willowpark Rd Sth, Akina, Hastings 4122)
Second hand books, clothing, mini freezer, wood BBQ, bike frame, older Dryer, old villa sash … View moreGarage Sale
WHEN: This SAT 12th OCT 9.30-11.30am
WHERE: Corner of Beech Rd and Willowpark Rd SOUTH (400 Willowpark Rd Sth, Akina, Hastings 4122)
Second hand books, clothing, mini freezer, wood BBQ, bike frame, older Dryer, old villa sash window frame, and miscellaneous ..
Having a big clear out and everything must GO. Make an offer, some free stuff, or Koha
Yvonne from Mahora
Hello everyone. Our newly-formed Hawke's Bay Charitable Women's Health Trust is seeking a new treasurer. Comprised of four local women foundation members including a clinical advisor, Rose Gold Trust is focused on delivering positive health outcomes for Hawke's Bay women, … View moreHello everyone. Our newly-formed Hawke's Bay Charitable Women's Health Trust is seeking a new treasurer. Comprised of four local women foundation members including a clinical advisor, Rose Gold Trust is focused on delivering positive health outcomes for Hawke's Bay women, particularly in the menopause and midlife space. We're hoping you or your networks may know someone with experience as a treasurer and ideally (but not essentially) having had governance experience. We meet via Zoom once a month and actively work on fundraising events and proposals. Like every trustee, this would be a volunteer position. But it's a great cause and we'd love to know if anyone is keen to join us! Please reply or email me in confidence
Ray from Mayfair
Does anyone know anyone that sells small ball bearings in the bay?
Health Promotion from Age Concern Hawke's Bay
Staying Safe: Refresher Course for Older Drivers- The theory-based refresher course is an opportunity for people to re-familiarise themselves with traffic rules and safe driving practices in a friendly and relaxed environment with other older drivers. The course includes information on other … View moreStaying Safe: Refresher Course for Older Drivers- The theory-based refresher course is an opportunity for people to re-familiarise themselves with traffic rules and safe driving practices in a friendly and relaxed environment with other older drivers. The course includes information on other transport options available to help keep you mobile for as long as possible, whether behind the wheel or when you stop driving.
Upcoming FREE course date:
*28 November 2024 at St Luke's (24 Te Mata Road, Havelock North 4130) from 10:00am-2:00pm.
Registration essential and lunch provided. Book in by calling 06 870 9060 or email
James Wattie Retirement Village
Reducing stigma starts with the words we use, and shifting the way we talk about dementia is a powerful step forward. This World Alzheimer’s Month, Ryman is highlighting the importance of reducing the discrimination caused by stigma surrounding people living with dementia.
Caroline Bartle, … View moreReducing stigma starts with the words we use, and shifting the way we talk about dementia is a powerful step forward. This World Alzheimer’s Month, Ryman is highlighting the importance of reducing the discrimination caused by stigma surrounding people living with dementia.
Caroline Bartle, Ryman’s Dementia Care and Innovations Lead, says that using appropriate language when referring to people with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia can foster a more inclusive society. This not only benefits those experiencing cognitive decline but also their families and the wider community.
Click read more for the full article.
Georgina from Karamu - Waipatu
Has anyone purchased the copper bullet pocket hose advertised on tv… Is it a good buy if you have ?
Sherilyn from Frimley
Just to let everyone know Ping is back from holiday and
Sherilyn from Frimley
Just to let everyone know,
Ping is back from holiday so
The Team from
I'm sure you've seen it while doing your weekly shop... In fact, it may have even been you.
What do you think about people heading to the supermarket in their pyjamas?
177 replies (Members only)
Jodi from Te Awanga - Haumoana
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