Karamu - Waipatu, Hastings

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1628 days ago

What is double glazing?

RetroFit Double Glazing - Hawkes Bay

What is double glazing? We’ve put together some information that might help you with your research if you're considering getting retrofit double glazing click here to read. If you’re interested, we offer a free no obligation quote click here or call us on 0800 658 658.

1628 days ago

Paint a hat box

The Team from Resene ColorShop Hastings

Turn a cardboard lidded hat box into a stylish piece of home décor using Resene testpots, with a tribal twist.

When painting with a tribal theme, throw perfection out the window and embrace crooked lines, texture, and less than perfect paint techniques to get a more organic result.

Make the most… View more
Turn a cardboard lidded hat box into a stylish piece of home décor using Resene testpots, with a tribal twist.

When painting with a tribal theme, throw perfection out the window and embrace crooked lines, texture, and less than perfect paint techniques to get a more organic result.

Make the most of this weekend with this easy step by step project idea from Resene. Find out how to create your own

1629 days ago

NZITF Dobok - Taekwon Do uniform

Julie Neighbourly Lead from Havelock North

Size 132 (approx 7-10yr) Taekwon Do dobok with white belt (not yellow) for sale. Has new Velcro fastening.

Price: $30

1630 days ago

Happy New Zealand Sign Language Week!

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

NZ Sign Language is unique to our country and is one of New Zealand's three official languages, so those are some great reasons to celebrate it!
Check out the Neighbourly team trying their hand at simple greetings that you could sign in your neighbourhood.

1630 days ago

Gun n roses

Luana from Mayfair

Hello...wanting a guns n roses t.shirt,
Hoping for this picture😁

1630 days ago
1630 days ago

Slides / Magazines / "Dias"

Wolfgang from Akina

Slides (glassless) and magazines available. Maybe a donation for Cranford Hospice would be nice, but essentially free. Hopefully someone has some use for them.


1638 days ago

Job well done

Julie Neighbourly Lead from Havelock North

Everyone, including women, should know how to replace the washer in their taps, to stop that annoying dripping leak.
All you need is a packet of washers, a screw driver and an adjustable wrench. It’s easy.
It also helps if you know where and how to turn the water off at your Toby and hot water … View more
Everyone, including women, should know how to replace the washer in their taps, to stop that annoying dripping leak.
All you need is a packet of washers, a screw driver and an adjustable wrench. It’s easy.
It also helps if you know where and how to turn the water off at your Toby and hot water cylinder.
Independence saves money and gives one a sense of pride.

1631 days ago

Take part in Pots for Tots for Plunket with Resene!


Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these … View more
Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these new babies than supporting Plunket to support them.

Every qualifying testpot you buy = a $1 donation to Plunket!

Offer applies until 4 October 2020 at Resene owned ColorShops.
Learn more

1631 days ago

Reverse Equity Mortgage gives you options.

SBS Bank

Make the most of your retirement with less stress, and a whole lot of fun with SBS Unwind, a Reverse Equity Mortgage loan. The idea is simple – homeowners aged over 60 stay in their house but free up some money from the property to live their life.

Use the money however you like, while the … View more
Make the most of your retirement with less stress, and a whole lot of fun with SBS Unwind, a Reverse Equity Mortgage loan. The idea is simple – homeowners aged over 60 stay in their house but free up some money from the property to live their life.

Use the money however you like, while the flexible loan means regular payments aren’t required and you can repay all or some of the loan at any time.

For more details visit our sbsbank.co.nz/, contact your local SBS branch or call 0800 727 2265.

Eligibility Criteria, Terms and Conditions, and fees apply.
Find out more

1631 days ago

Could you give 2 hours of your time for the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Appeal?

Susie Neighbourly Lead from Havelock North

Hi there
We are very short of volunteers in Hastings for the annual Pink Ribbon Appeal for Breast Cancer: Fri 30 - Sat 31 October and Fri 13 - Sat 14 November (Hastings New World Only). If you could help, please PM me, call 0508 105 105 - or follow the link below. (The link in the photo will not … View more
Hi there
We are very short of volunteers in Hastings for the annual Pink Ribbon Appeal for Breast Cancer: Fri 30 - Sat 31 October and Fri 13 - Sat 14 November (Hastings New World Only). If you could help, please PM me, call 0508 105 105 - or follow the link below. (The link in the photo will not work, please follow the link in the text below. )

Together we can raise funds to help support those affected by breast cancer.
The money you help raise during the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal will fund breast cancer research, support patients and their families, and help educate Kiwis about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
2 hours of time in your area to get pinked up and collect can make a massive difference. Sign up below to volunteer on Friday 30th of Saturday 31st October or Friday 13 - Saturday 14 November.


1642 days ago


Shayna from Saint Leonards

Yes yes yes!
Its time to sweat sweat sweat!

Zumba Fitness tonight at Aspyre Fitness Gym at 5:30pm.
A great way to end your week and Shake off all the stress.

Only $5.00
ALL WELCOME … View more
Yes yes yes!
Its time to sweat sweat sweat!

Zumba Fitness tonight at Aspyre Fitness Gym at 5:30pm.
A great way to end your week and Shake off all the stress.

Only $5.00

Zumba love

1632 days ago

Bbq for sale

Cindy from Mahora

4 burner Jackaroo bbq for summer sale. Hardly been used and in great condition. It comes with a cover, full gas bottle and a rotisserie chicken turner .

Price: $250

1633 days ago

Pioneering retirement for a trailblazing generation

There is a new generation of New Zealander, seeking a new way to live in retirement. They are living their lives with passion and purpose, striving to push further, to create better, to go beyond the ordinary.

A new generation of Kiwis are not retiring from life; they’re finding a new way to … View more
There is a new generation of New Zealander, seeking a new way to live in retirement. They are living their lives with passion and purpose, striving to push further, to create better, to go beyond the ordinary.

A new generation of Kiwis are not retiring from life; they’re finding a new way to live. One with flexibility, certainty, and the ability to dial care up and down as you need it.
Learn more

1633 days ago

Hot water Cylinder

Nardia from Havelock North

Mains pressure hot water cylinder in great tidy condition, has pipes and valves to go with it, only selling as have gone to an infinity unit.

Price: $250
