North New Brighton, Christchurch

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511 days ago
512 days ago

Safer Speed Plan

Christchurch City Council

Lower speeds can saves lives and prevent serious injury. Reducing the speed vehicles travel makes a major difference in a crash. People make mistakes on our roads, and those mistakes shouldn’t cost our neighbours, whānau or pets their lives.

We're asking for … View more
Lower speeds can saves lives and prevent serious injury. Reducing the speed vehicles travel makes a major difference in a crash. People make mistakes on our roads, and those mistakes shouldn’t cost our neighbours, whānau or pets their lives.

We're asking for feedback on a Draft Safer Speed Plan which sets out a three-year implementation plan and 10-year vision for safe speed areas in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.

To read the plan and give feedback by 25 October visit our website.
Find out more

515 days ago

New MPs to represent Christchurch

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

Christchurch could end up with six new faces in Parliament, depending which way special votes go.

Former television producer Reuben Davidson, small business owner Laura Trask, freshwater ecologist Lan Pham and health researcher Hamish Campbell have all made it as either electorate or list MPs, … View more
Christchurch could end up with six new faces in Parliament, depending which way special votes go.

Former television producer Reuben Davidson, small business owner Laura Trask, freshwater ecologist Lan Pham and health researcher Hamish Campbell have all made it as either electorate or list MPs, and they all have Christchurch top of mind.

You could also add a doctor to the list if National’s Vanessa Weenink manages to hold on to her majority in Banks Peninsula after the special votes are counted.

Kahurangi Carter, the Green Party’s candidate for Christchurch Central, is another waiting on the results of the specials to confirm her place.

Read the full story from reporters Sinead Gill and Tina Law here (first two articles a month free, then subscription required).

516 days ago

Poll: Can you paint a shared fence?

The Team from

A common neighbourhood quandary is the shared fence and we wonder what you would do... Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the We Say You Say column of your local paper.

Your fence needs a paint but it's a fence that is shared with your … View more
A common neighbourhood quandary is the shared fence and we wonder what you would do... Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the We Say You Say column of your local paper.

Your fence needs a paint but it's a fence that is shared with your neighbour's property. Do you...

Can you paint a shared fence?
  • 78.7% Paint just your side and try not to drip paint on theirs
    78.7% Complete
  • 1% Paint both sides while they’re not home
    1% Complete
  • 17.6% Offer to paint the neighbour’s side so it matches
    17.6% Complete
  • 2.8% Decide not to paint it at all as you don’t want to cause conflict
    2.8% Complete
1827 votes
512 days ago

Vote for People's Choice Awards!

The Team from NZ Compare

Wondering about your power, broadband and mobile providers? It's time to have your say!

Voting for the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS in the Power, Broadband and Mobile categories is now open. Click below to VOTE NOW!

Share your voice and VOTE for who you think deserves to WIN … View more
Wondering about your power, broadband and mobile providers? It's time to have your say!

Voting for the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS in the Power, Broadband and Mobile categories is now open. Click below to VOTE NOW!

Share your voice and VOTE for who you think deserves to WIN People's Choice - Power, Broadband and Mobile in New Zealand.
Voting ends on November 17th, 2023.

513 days ago

‘Absolutely fabulous’ recognition from Aged Advisor

Diana Isaac Retirement Village

Ryman Healthcare has again been recognised as a top provider at the 2023 Aged Advisor ‘People Choice Awards’.

This year Ryman was selected as a finalist for Best Provider Nationwide, and Diana Isaac took home Best Large Retirement Village / Lifestyle Village in the South Island for the … View more
Ryman Healthcare has again been recognised as a top provider at the 2023 Aged Advisor ‘People Choice Awards’.

This year Ryman was selected as a finalist for Best Provider Nationwide, and Diana Isaac took home Best Large Retirement Village / Lifestyle Village in the South Island for the fourth time.

The awards, run by are based on almost 11,300 reviews and ratings for more than 890 facilities. Over 1600 of those in-depth reviews went towards this year’s awards.

Ryman took home the top prize in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. As a finalist this year Aged Advisor voters recognise Ryman’s continued growth and efforts within the aged care sector.

Click to read more.

513 days ago


Gill from North New Brighton

Beautiful elegant sparkly Christmas centerpiece. Available in silver or gold/green colours.
Great as a gift, house warming gift or to decorate for the holiday season.
High quality wreath with a red candle.
Pick up from New Brighton.
From a smoke free home.

Price: $15

514 days ago

WIN $100 Prezzy Card

The Team from NZ Compare

WIN 1 of 5 $100 Prezzy Cards - It's just a few clicks away!
Simply complete our EASY PriceMe survey and get ready to win big!
Ready to win? CLICK below.

But that's not all – your insights will help us create the best deals for Black Friday, tailored just for you.
Get started now… View more
WIN 1 of 5 $100 Prezzy Cards - It's just a few clicks away!
Simply complete our EASY PriceMe survey and get ready to win big!
Ready to win? CLICK below.

But that's not all – your insights will help us create the best deals for Black Friday, tailored just for you.
Get started now and let your voice be heard!

515 days ago

Not everyone is looking forward to Christmas.

Christmas Box

Right now, kiwi families are facing some really big challenges and many find themselves struggling to make ends meet. For some, this will mean Christmas won't be a time to celebrate.

This Christmas, give the gift of hope. With a $40 donation, you have an opportunity to help those who need … View more
Right now, kiwi families are facing some really big challenges and many find themselves struggling to make ends meet. For some, this will mean Christmas won't be a time to celebrate.

This Christmas, give the gift of hope. With a $40 donation, you have an opportunity to help those who need it most. With Christmas Box, 100% of donations go to not only feeding a family with food essentials and treats but will also provide much-needed hope. Only together, can we bring hope to those in need all across Aotearoa. We can't do it alone.
Find out more

518 days ago

The Nurses' Memorial Chapel - Open days 11th-15th October

The Team from Citizens Advice Christchurch Area

The Nurses' Memorial Chapel is part of nursing's heritage. Open days at the Chapel will provide an opportunity for the public to find out about the history of this magnificent Arts and Crafts building and learn about the history of nursing.

A Century of Change
One hundred years ago … View more
The Nurses' Memorial Chapel is part of nursing's heritage. Open days at the Chapel will provide an opportunity for the public to find out about the history of this magnificent Arts and Crafts building and learn about the history of nursing.

A Century of Change
One hundred years ago the Christchurch School of Nursing appointed Mary Christmas as its first tutor sister in 1923. View displays of the School of Nursing ephemera, photographs and interesting items that will show how nurses learned in the past, alongside a display about modern nursing.

Check out the details under 'Read More' for full information and a map

517 days ago

Broadband Costs on the Rise?

The Team from NZ Compare

Have you recently observed your broadband expenses creeping up?

According to our recent Neighbourly poll, a staggering 80% of respondents have remained loyal to the same broadband provider for over 5 years, and within that group, a whopping 80% have been with their provider for more than 10 … View more
Have you recently observed your broadband expenses creeping up?

According to our recent Neighbourly poll, a staggering 80% of respondents have remained loyal to the same broadband provider for over 5 years, and within that group, a whopping 80% have been with their provider for more than 10 years!

Staying loyal could be costing you money! By switching providers, you could save over $300 a year.

If you're currently under contract, here's a tip: set a reminder for the 11th month to compare your options. This way, you won't get automatically rolled onto higher pricing. It's your chance to keep more money in your pocket!

Don't let rising costs get the best of you. Explore your options and save big - check out Broadband Compare and Power Compare to compare different plans and providers!
Compare now

520 days ago

Fellow bus Passenger on route 5 today

Mara from New Brighton

I witnessed this beautiful incident travelling to New Brighton today. A woman ,apparently unable to pay her fare, was rescued by a fellow passenger who called her back & paid her fare! The Good Samaritan , a Moari man , looked at me & said ' You gotta spread the love ' -he … View moreI witnessed this beautiful incident travelling to New Brighton today. A woman ,apparently unable to pay her fare, was rescued by a fellow passenger who called her back & paid her fare! The Good Samaritan , a Moari man , looked at me & said ' You gotta spread the love ' -he sure did, its people like him make the world go round . So thank you for being you you lovely man.

518 days ago

After school badminton programme

Pearl from Parklands - Marshlands

Term 4 after school badminton programme has started.

518 days ago


The Team from NZ Compare

We are Rugby MAD nation! We had an amazing turnout with over 965 entries from rugby fans to back their country for a chance to win a 3-month subscription to Sky Sport Now!

Now, the moment of truth – did you emerge as the lucky winner? CLICK below to find out! But hey, if you missed out on the… View more
We are Rugby MAD nation! We had an amazing turnout with over 965 entries from rugby fans to back their country for a chance to win a 3-month subscription to Sky Sport Now!

Now, the moment of truth – did you emerge as the lucky winner? CLICK below to find out! But hey, if you missed out on the competition, don't worry! We've got a BONUS rugby family GIVEAWAY just for you. Check out our featured post here:

And here's the game plan: Stay connected with NZ Compare for the freshest broadband and power deals, along with exciting competitions. We're your money-saving champions! CLICK HERE to discover more:

518 days ago

Badminton Family Drop In

Pearl from Parklands - Marshlands

Badminton Family Drop In
Every Thursday 5:30pm to 7pm
Only $10 per family.
