West Harbour, Auckland

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1260 days ago

Pin it - Sleepy sloth

Resene ColorShop Westgate

Creating a mood board or pinboard using Resene FX Blackboard Paint to keep household notes tidy is easy with this inspiring project.

Find out how to create your own.

1261 days ago

The Impacts of Climate Change on Insurance costs

Climate Insights

Our homes can be our greatest investment and protecting our homes against climate change has become more important than ever.

Our changing climate poses risks to our natural and built environments. Swiss Re in a global analysis of insurance risk said to “expect climate risks to raise global … View more
Our homes can be our greatest investment and protecting our homes against climate change has become more important than ever.

Our changing climate poses risks to our natural and built environments. Swiss Re in a global analysis of insurance risk said to “expect climate risks to raise global property premiums by 33-41% between 2020 and 2040”. The potential increase was deemed a direct consequence of our changing climate.

Our Climate Insights property report provides easily understood information on change to risks for your current or a future property. The report includes robust and actionable information for residential property owners, tenants and investors to enhance their property’s climate resilience.
Find out more

1261 days ago

New website

Office for Seniors

Our new Office for Seniors website is now live!

The website is a great resource for older New Zealanders to find helpful information. It’s been designed with our older audience in mind so it’s easy to navigate.

It also outlines the role of the Office for Seniors.

Visit … View more
Our new Office for Seniors website is now live!

The website is a great resource for older New Zealanders to find helpful information. It’s been designed with our older audience in mind so it’s easy to navigate.

It also outlines the role of the Office for Seniors.

Visit officeforseniors.govt.nz

1264 days ago

To bribe or not to bribe? That is the question🤔

Fiona from Henderson

Not sure where to start, but here goes …

The pressure for all of us, well not all of us but a vast majority of us, to get vaccinated for not only our own benefit, health and wellbeing, but also for good of the whole nation and mankind (so to speak), has been all over every single news outlet, … View more
Not sure where to start, but here goes …

The pressure for all of us, well not all of us but a vast majority of us, to get vaccinated for not only our own benefit, health and wellbeing, but also for good of the whole nation and mankind (so to speak), has been all over every single news outlet, social media platforms, online services etc …

It began with a trickle for us to trot down to the vaccination place to get our first vaccination.
Some have even had their second dose of the vaccination – well done.

Now, slowly but surely the speed has ramped up. The numbers have increased for those who have now entered the ‘vaccinated club’, again well done.

There will be those who refuse to get vaccinated for whatever reason, whether it is personal or medical. I do struggle understanding with the personal reasons but will respect their choice.

The public push to get the percentages up to get vaccinated is almost at full speed, and it’s been ‘interesting’ for lack of a better word right now, to watch this.

Those of us who have joined the vaccinated club, did so not only out of duty for our fellow mankind, but more importantly, to try and keep ourselves alive during this nightmare pandemic.

What I’m struggling with now regarding the push to get vaccinated, is the hand holding, the enticements, the bribes and the rewards the soon to be freshly vaccinated people are now being offered e.g. a car, a holiday, extra money in the pay packet, food etc …

Will all of those people who have already been vaccinated be getting any rewards that are currently on offer, to congratulate us for being responsible adults and stepping up early to get vaccinated?
Will we heck!

So why are they bribing people to get vaccinated now?
Has it shown to be an effective way of getting those bodies through the door?
Or has it merely shown people's greed?
When they start talking about vaccinating people in the fast food drive through, you know it’s becoming desperate.

We need to find a way that works for the whole of New Zealand, each and everyone of us. We can’t fix the world, but we sure as heck can start to fix ourselves here in New Zealand and prepare our loved ones around us to do the same.

I wish I knew the right answer on this or how to motivate people to get in with the rest of us in the vaccinated club, believe me, I’ve sat here for ages trying to think of a solution that would appease both sides, but I can’t.

All I know is that there will be people who will point the finger at the Government, at the Department of Health, at overseas stats, at the delay in getting the vaccine; HOWEVER none of those niggles that those people always throw out there have anything to do with this.

Do we really need to be enticed, bribed or even rewarded for doing something that will keep each of us alive in the long run?

1262 days ago

Poll: How do you feel about John Key’s comments on the Covid-19 response?

Ripu Bhatia Reporter from Auckland Stuff

Hi neighbours,

Sir John Key’s recent media blitz was full of suggestions for how the Covid-19 response could have been done better. Some have been found to be false (such as his claim we could have paid Pfizer for preferential supply), and some seem to have lit a fire under the Government to … View more
Hi neighbours,

Sir John Key’s recent media blitz was full of suggestions for how the Covid-19 response could have been done better. Some have been found to be false (such as his claim we could have paid Pfizer for preferential supply), and some seem to have lit a fire under the Government to get things moving (such as the suggestion of home quarantining).

How do you feel about Key’s contribution?

How do you feel about John Key’s comments on the Covid-19 response?
  • 29.7% It was constructive and I support his points
    29.7% Complete
  • 15.1% It lit a fire under the Government and extracted much needed clarity
    15.1% Complete
  • 18% It was armchair commentary and he didn’t know what he was talking about
    18% Complete
  • 37.2% It was a struggling National’s attempt to regain some popularity
    37.2% Complete
1289 votes
1279 days ago

Apprenticeship opportunities in Auckland


Hey Auckland
We are back with some more awesome apprenticeship opportunities for you, Check them out!
Sheet metal fabrication
Refrigeration and air conditioning

1261 days ago

Thinking of a weekend project? Make this harvest basket.

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours and gardeners,

Here's another great project from our DIY guru Jacob Leaf.

1263 days ago


Gail from Henderson

Does anybody know what a 'deep clean' entails in a shop, hospital or anywhere. We hear about it often but have not been told exactly what it is. One 'deep clean' is not always anothers 'deep clean'.

1262 days ago

Recipe: Mushroom Risotto

New Zealand School of Food & Wine

This is an ultimate comfort meal and an easy recipe to prepare at home. It is a rich and creamy mushroom risotto recipe is made with the specialist Italian short-grain rice, parmesan cheese, white wine, and mushrooms.
View the recipe in the link below.

1262 days ago


Linda from Henderson

Lack of personal responsibilty over vaccinations to yourself and more importantly to other vulnerable citizens is now being rewarded by bribes in the form of prezzies, spot prizes, supermarket vouchers etc.
How about acknowledging all those who quietly became vaccinated ASAP.
NZ standards have been… View more
Lack of personal responsibilty over vaccinations to yourself and more importantly to other vulnerable citizens is now being rewarded by bribes in the form of prezzies, spot prizes, supermarket vouchers etc.
How about acknowledging all those who quietly became vaccinated ASAP.
NZ standards have been turned upside down. Bad behaviour used to be punished, not rewarded.

1266 days ago

Covid Jab

Lyn from Te Atatu Peninsula

I'm fully vaccinated and, no, I don't know exactly what's in it - neither this vaccine, the ones I had as a child, nor in the Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or in other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children.
I also … View more
I'm fully vaccinated and, no, I don't know exactly what's in it - neither this vaccine, the ones I had as a child, nor in the Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or in other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children.
I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Paracetamol , or other meds, it just cures my headaches & my pains.
I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos, vaping, Botox and fillers, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo or even deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.

In short ...

There's a lot of things I don't know and never will…

I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life "before".

As a child and as an adult I've been vaccinated for mumps, measles, polio, chicken pox, and quite a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of said diseases.

I'm vaccinated, not to please the government but:

* To not die from Covid-19.

* To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick.

* To hug my loved ones

* To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go out dancing, go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things to come ...

* To live my life.

* To have kids go back to school and play sports.

* For Covid-19 to be an old memory.

* To protect us.

Text copied, feel free to do the same...

I have 💉💉

1263 days ago

🥰Hold On (Change Is Comin')🥰

Fiona from Henderson

Lately, it seems as though we all need a bit of positivity and that wonderful feeling of being uplifted.

Well, this wonderful song is perfect for that.
Slow & cruisy, something to tap your toes along with the music, heck sing along at the top of your voice - ENJOY🥰

P.S. I haven't … View more
Lately, it seems as though we all need a bit of positivity and that wonderful feeling of being uplifted.

Well, this wonderful song is perfect for that.
Slow & cruisy, something to tap your toes along with the music, heck sing along at the top of your voice - ENJOY🥰

P.S. I haven't forgotten the funnies 😉🤣


1263 days ago

Come work with us!

The Team from Neighbours Aotearoa

OPPORTUNITY 🙌🏼 Are you a change-maker in your community and looking to join an awesome social movement?

We might have the perfect role for you!

Neighbours Day Aotearoa (NDA) is looking for a community-minded people to activate the Neighbours Day kaupapa through their existing networks … View more
OPPORTUNITY 🙌🏼 Are you a change-maker in your community and looking to join an awesome social movement?

We might have the perfect role for you!

Neighbours Day Aotearoa (NDA) is looking for a community-minded people to activate the Neighbours Day kaupapa through their existing networks and connections. We are looking for 13 Neighbours Day Aotearoa Connectors to join the team and help us activate NDA across the motu.

What the role could involve?

- Meeting with a community local group and encouraging them to hold an event
- Visiting a local library to drop off posters
- Spreading the Neighbours Day Aotearoa message at your local Marae
- Chatting with people in the street and encouraging them to do something neighbourly
- Stopping by the community garden to let them know about the Neighbours Day theme for 2022

We have a dedicated team that will work alongside you and training is provided. www.neighboursday.org.nz...

1263 days ago

Tegel recalls patties due to undeclared allergen


Tegel has issued a recall for one of its products after gluten was detected in one of their gluten-free products.

In a statement, the Ministry for Primary Industries said that the recall only affected a specific batch of Gluten Free Classic Chicken Burgers and those with a gluten allergy or … View more
Tegel has issued a recall for one of its products after gluten was detected in one of their gluten-free products.

In a statement, the Ministry for Primary Industries said that the recall only affected a specific batch of Gluten Free Classic Chicken Burgers and those with a gluten allergy or intolerance should not consume the product.

Here's what you need to know:

- The batch marking on the affected product is 81242, with a AUG 2022 best before date.
- The product is sold across New Zealand at the following supermarkets
Countdown: North and South Island
SuperValue: North Island
FreshChoice: North and South Island
New World: Balclutha
Pak'n Save: Upper North Island
Four Square: Upper North Island

Consumers with any questions are advised to contact Tegel Foods Limited on 0800 24 42 536.

Find more information on this recall by visiting the New Zealand Food Safety Website.

1263 days ago

Childs Equestrian safety vest and a new whip

Peter from Henderson

Equestrian safety vest with a new whip ,
Chevalier Size 10,
new condition,
pick up Henderson heights

Price: $60
