Stanley Point, Auckland

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1428 days ago

Are you living with foot pain?

Corrective Foot Solutions

Having foot and leg pain can bring life to a standstill. You might not be able to keep up with family or even complete basic tasks around the house.

Fix the problem so you can enjoy being active again.

Fortunately, at Corrective Foot Solutions, we use a gentle hands-on technique to … View more
Having foot and leg pain can bring life to a standstill. You might not be able to keep up with family or even complete basic tasks around the house.

Fix the problem so you can enjoy being active again.

Fortunately, at Corrective Foot Solutions, we use a gentle hands-on technique to effectively treat and fix foot problems without the need for surgery, orthotics or pain killers.

We use foot mobilisation therapy to correct the underlying causes of your foot pain by working on the misalignments in the foot, as well as strengthening the weakened muscles around the joints for long term relief.

We’ve decided to run a SPECIAL OFFER for foot pain sufferers.
“Foot Pain Assessment” for only $30 (Worth $85).
Offer valid 14/04/2020 - 14/05/2021.

Address - Level 3, 272 Parnell Road, Parnell.
Call us on - 09 212 9250.
Find out more

1428 days ago

Pikler Set in circulation

Yi Kang from Northcote Toy Library

Hi dear families, our lovely Pikler set is now in circulation!
It includes a triangle, a cube and a ramp. Very versatile! Our members are loving it!
Come to visit us to see all other equally cool toys! We're open during the school holiday!
You can also purchase a membership voucher for your … View more
Hi dear families, our lovely Pikler set is now in circulation!
It includes a triangle, a cube and a ramp. Very versatile! Our members are loving it!
Come to visit us to see all other equally cool toys! We're open during the school holiday!
You can also purchase a membership voucher for your family member or friend! It's the best gift for a new mum or mum-to-be!

1429 days ago

FREE Mock Auction Workshop - Tuesday night in Devonport

Susan from Devonport

We've had a few last-minute cancellations (seats are limited) so if you wanted to come to this workshop be quick! Andrew North, NZ's top auctioneer, and Maria Stevens of Harcourts will share their pro tips. CLICK to register

1429 days ago

Is that a teahouse on Stewart Island?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Why yes it is, and it's also a man cave, a shed, and a builder/engineer's retirement project. Little wonder Allan Jones' quirky build is a runner-up in the 2021 Resene Shed of the Year competition run by NZ Gardener.

1430 days ago

Free Composting Workshops

The Team from Auckland Council

Traditional Bins | Bokashi | Worm Farms
New to composting? Learn how simple it is to start composting at home, and how to access a $40 discount on a system that suits your needs. Through composting, you can reduce organic waste sent to landfill and provide food for your soil!

Compost Collective… View more
Traditional Bins | Bokashi | Worm Farms
New to composting? Learn how simple it is to start composting at home, and how to access a $40 discount on a system that suits your needs. Through composting, you can reduce organic waste sent to landfill and provide food for your soil!

Compost Collective workshops are held Auckland-wide. To find one near you and book your place visit

There's lots to dig about composting.
Learn more

1430 days ago

Resene Upcyling Awards - don't forget!


Don't forget to submit your upcycled creations in the Resene Upcycling Awards. Whether it's an old item you've spruced up or something you've found a completely new purpose for, we want to see your work!

Submit your entry in the 2021 Resene Upcycling Awards by sharing your … View more
Don't forget to submit your upcycled creations in the Resene Upcycling Awards. Whether it's an old item you've spruced up or something you've found a completely new purpose for, we want to see your work!

Submit your entry in the 2021 Resene Upcycling Awards by sharing your upcycled masterpiece with your neighbours. Multiple entries are welcome - don't forget to include your before and after pics and mention any Resene products you've used!
Get Upcycling now

1432 days ago

Milford Reserve Nets Upgrade

Caryn Wilkinson Reporter from Community News

The old toilet and changing room block at Milford Reserve is earmarked for a facelift.

Work is expected to start in mid-April to replace the longstanding brick building with a modern building.

The $1.2 million project will see eight new toilets, two showers, a double external shower, two changing… View more
The old toilet and changing room block at Milford Reserve is earmarked for a facelift.

Work is expected to start in mid-April to replace the longstanding brick building with a modern building.

The $1.2 million project will see eight new toilets, two showers, a double external shower, two changing rooms, a drinking station and a new seating area.

The building will have a beach-themed exterior in response to community feedback.

The old brick building had served users well but had reached the end of its life, said Devonport Takapuna Local Board chair Aidan Bennett.

“In 2018 we sought feedback from the community on what they would like to see here so I am sure everyone is excited to see it get underway.”

The areas will be fenced off during construction and four portaloos will be installed in the reserve for public use.

Construction is expected to take about three months, pending weather conditions.

1431 days ago

Buying Vintage Watches

Callum Neighbourly Lead from Milford

Looking to buy vintage men's wristwatches for a fair price.

1431 days ago

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Come together for good with friends, whānau and workmates by hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this May. You’ll be joining thousands of Kiwis around the country to raise vital funds for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

You can host any time in May, and by taking part, you’ll be helping fund … View more
Come together for good with friends, whānau and workmates by hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this May. You’ll be joining thousands of Kiwis around the country to raise vital funds for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

You can host any time in May, and by taking part, you’ll be helping fund ground-breaking work by some of our country’s top breast cancer researchers, educate people about breast health, and provide free support services for breast cancer patients and their families.

What are you waiting for! Sign up today.
Find out more

1431 days ago


Sharon from Takapuna

As pics.
Miniature spirits bottles, very old brown glass Poison bottle, + others.

Price: $14

1432 days ago

Independence with support you can count on

Serviced apartments come with the support that makes life easier.

Your fixed base weekly fee includes a chef-prepared meal every day, morning and afternoon tea and housekeeping.

Your electricity, heating, air-conditioning costs and building maintenance are also covered, providing you with … View more
Serviced apartments come with the support that makes life easier.

Your fixed base weekly fee includes a chef-prepared meal every day, morning and afternoon tea and housekeeping.

Your electricity, heating, air-conditioning costs and building maintenance are also covered, providing you with certainty about your living expenses.
Learn more

1432 days ago

Wildlife Conservation Science at work

Auckland Zoo

Auckland Zoo’s High Canopy is now open – a spectacular new habitat for siamangs and orangutans!

Spot the primates as they live the high life, swinging 25 meters off the ground! The new sky-high habitat lets them behave and move as they would in the wild.

Visit Auckland Zoo with your … View more
Auckland Zoo’s High Canopy is now open – a spectacular new habitat for siamangs and orangutans!

Spot the primates as they live the high life, swinging 25 meters off the ground! The new sky-high habitat lets them behave and move as they would in the wild.

Visit Auckland Zoo with your whanau these school holidays.

Book your ticket online here.
Find out more

1432 days ago

Why not make a birdbath out of your rhubarb leaf?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Yes you can! NZ Gardener's DIY guru Jacob Leaf shows you how.

1432 days ago

America Cup Pole Banners

Jack from Hauraki

I would like to buy one of the America Pole banners that were installed along the streets Can always reach me at" … View moreI would like to buy one of the America Pole banners that were installed along the streets Can always reach me at" href="">www.studenthousing4u... Thanks jack
