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Manasi from Beach Haven
I am looking for a milkweed plant, if anyone has spare to give I would be grateful, thanks
Trupti Biradar Reporter from Stuff Travel
Who knew this fairytale treehouse was just 10 minutes from Whangārei?
The Team from Auckland Council
The economic impact of COVID-19 means together we need to make some tough decisions about Auckland’s budget; like the rates we pay and what we spend our money on.
Auckland’s Emergency Budget proposal is now open for your feedback until midnight Friday 19 June. Click through to find out more … View moreThe economic impact of COVID-19 means together we need to make some tough decisions about Auckland’s budget; like the rates we pay and what we spend our money on.
Auckland’s Emergency Budget proposal is now open for your feedback until midnight Friday 19 June. Click through to find out more or call 09 301 0101.
Have your say
Hot chicken and fresh salad 4 the easy dinner? Apples and a loaf of bread 4 the lunchbox panic? Bacon and eggs 4 breakfast in bed?
Whether it’s easy munches, school lunches or Sunday brunches, your Four Square has everything you need to keep life nice, easy and local.
Four Square. Just … View moreHot chicken and fresh salad 4 the easy dinner? Apples and a loaf of bread 4 the lunchbox panic? Bacon and eggs 4 breakfast in bed?
Whether it’s easy munches, school lunches or Sunday brunches, your Four Square has everything you need to keep life nice, easy and local.
Four Square. Just what you need, right nearby.
Find out more
John Gillon from John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board
Brace yourself. Substantial cuts to Auckland Council and Kaipātiki Local Board services, projects and events ahead, plus an increase in asset sales, increase in debt, and a 3.5% or 2.5% rates rise.
For example, "A minimum reduction of 80-90% of planned 2020/2021 renewals for buildings, … View moreBrace yourself. Substantial cuts to Auckland Council and Kaipātiki Local Board services, projects and events ahead, plus an increase in asset sales, increase in debt, and a 3.5% or 2.5% rates rise.
For example, "A minimum reduction of 80-90% of planned 2020/2021 renewals for buildings, playgrounds and open space. This level of reduction will mean a noticeable deterioration of community assets and a risk of closure of assets should they become a health and safety risk (example broken walkways, broken play equipment, leaking buildings with dampness or mould issues)."
Have your say on the proposed "Emergency Budget" for 2020/21 here:
Consultation is open until 19 June.
Download the PDF of the proposal:
NZ Herald article:
Stuff article:
John Gillon from John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board
Update on Auckland Council Facilities in Kaipātiki:
From next week, most council facilities will be open again. Birkenhead Pools, Birkdale Hall and Northcote War Memorial Hall are remaining closed for now, but Kaipātiki Local Board members are actively pushing to have them reopened as soon as … View moreUpdate on Auckland Council Facilities in Kaipātiki:
From next week, most council facilities will be open again. Birkenhead Pools, Birkdale Hall and Northcote War Memorial Hall are remaining closed for now, but Kaipātiki Local Board members are actively pushing to have them reopened as soon as possible.
Public Toilets: All are either open now or due to open soon.
* Northcote Library: Open now
* Birkenhead Library: Open from Tuesday 2nd June
* Glenfield Library: Open from Tuesday 2nd June
Leisure Centres:
* ActivZone: Open from Wednesday 3rd June
* Beach Haven Sports Centre: Open from Wednesday 3rd June
* Birkenhead Leisure Centre Fitness & Rock Climbing: Open from Tuesday 2nd June
* Birkenhead Leisure Centre Pools: Opening date to be confirmed
* Glenfield Leisure Centre Fitness: Open now
* Glenfield Leisure Centre Pools: Lane swimming open from Wednesday 3rd June (No leisure swimming, aqua group fitness, spa, sauna, showers)
Community Centres:
* Bayview Community Centre: Open now
* Beach Haven Community House: Open now
* Birkdale Community House: Open now
* Birkdale Hall: Opening date to be confirmed
* Glenfield Community Centre: Open now
* Highbury House: Open now
* NorthArt Gallery: Open now
* Northcote War Memorial Hall: Opening date to be confirmed
Council Service Centres (paying rates, enquiries):
* Birkenhead Council Service Centre: Open from Tuesday 2nd June
* Glenfield Council Service Centre: Opening date to be confirmed
* Kaipatiki Local Board Office and Boardroom: Opening date to be confirmed
Early Childhood Centres:
* Birkdale Kauri Kids: Open now
* Beach Haven Kauri Kids: Open now
* Glenfield Leisure Centre Kauri Kids: Open now
More info:
John Gillon from John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board
Chartwell Ave/Bentley Ave intersection, Glenfield:
Work is currently underway on the long-awaited safety upgrades to the Bentley Ave/Chartwell Avenue intersection. Work is due to be completed by the end of July, but could be earlier, depending on the weather.
The project includes a mountable … View moreChartwell Ave/Bentley Ave intersection, Glenfield:
Work is currently underway on the long-awaited safety upgrades to the Bentley Ave/Chartwell Avenue intersection. Work is due to be completed by the end of July, but could be earlier, depending on the weather.
The project includes a mountable roundabout island, the removal of the existing slip lane and construction of pedestrian refuge islands and raised zebra crossings.
This intersection has been identified as high risk with an existing crash pattern between vehicles travelling northbound along Chartwell Avenue and vehicles turning right into Bentley Avenue from the northern leg of Chartwell Avenue.
For more information on the design and responses from Auckland Transport to public feedback, see:
Marc from Birkenhead
G'day, I read an article today that raises concerns about cats.
1st, my family has cats, 2nd, I used to breed budgies, gold fish &c. so I know what a cute little cat, can do to my pets when they hook their claws through the cage fronts, or peer into the pond - … View moreG'day, I read an article today that raises concerns about cats.
1st, my family has cats, 2nd, I used to breed budgies, gold fish &c. so I know what a cute little cat, can do to my pets when they hook their claws through the cage fronts, or peer into the pond - they kill.
I'm reminded of the story of the scorpion and the fox wherein, the scorpion stings the fox after getting a ride across the river, the fox as it dies, asks why? "It is in my nature" says the scorpion. So it is with cats.
I'm going to ask cat owners, if I had budgies or goldfish that came from next door and killed Fluffykins the cat, would you be upset? What makes your cute little predator, more protected than other people's pets, native birds, lizards and frogs?
My family says, 'oh she only brings in the occasional sparrow, once a year'.... Get some DNA analysis on it's poo. 'Oh she's too fat to catch anything'... how she get so fat? If the cat is outdoors it'll eat what it can.
My advice, keep the cat indoors, let it out only when supervised, if you must fulfil it's hunting instincts, breed pet mice, let them together in a room, video it and post it on uTube, you'll be sensation!
The Team from Auckland Council
Queen's Birthday holiday is just around the corner. Remember all council kerbside collections will be collected a day later.
With so many of us spending more time at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people’s energy bills are skyrocketing. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here are 5 simple, easy to implement ideas and tips for cutting down your domestic power bills to save yourself some cash.
Find out more
Hey Green Bay Florists and Great South Vets! Your neighbours really LIKE you! Check out these awesome shoutouts from your Auckland community. Thanks for being such a special part of your community. Make a Local Like
Business owners consistently show initiative, hard work and resilience - and more than ever over the past few weeks.
Prosper has launched a small business survey to gauge the scale of Covid-19's impact.
It'll only take a few minutes to complete - and will help us, help small … View moreBusiness owners consistently show initiative, hard work and resilience - and more than ever over the past few weeks.
Prosper has launched a small business survey to gauge the scale of Covid-19's impact.
It'll only take a few minutes to complete - and will help us, help small businesses like yours, in weeks and months to come.
Take the survey
New Zealand School of Food & Wine
A luncheon for the families of Level 4 Food and Beverage who complete their programme today with a delicious menu prepared by Foundation Chefs.
Entrée - Potage Parmentiere with smoked salmon and croutons.
Main - Roasted Lamb Rump with textured winter vegetables, Pommes Dauphinoise and jus.
… View moreA luncheon for the families of Level 4 Food and Beverage who complete their programme today with a delicious menu prepared by Foundation Chefs.
Entrée - Potage Parmentiere with smoked salmon and croutons.
Main - Roasted Lamb Rump with textured winter vegetables, Pommes Dauphinoise and jus.
Dessert - Chocolate Fudge Tart with lemon curd and almond praline.
New Zealand School of Food & Wine
A special day in our Advanced Cookery students preparing mouthwatering finger food treats. Starting with Celia’s ever-best, fresh out of the oven, Salmon & Spinach Roulade, crispy fried carrot, celery and ricotta wontons, Oleksii, from Ukraine, holds a plate of the bllini with smoked salmon … View moreA special day in our Advanced Cookery students preparing mouthwatering finger food treats. Starting with Celia’s ever-best, fresh out of the oven, Salmon & Spinach Roulade, crispy fried carrot, celery and ricotta wontons, Oleksii, from Ukraine, holds a plate of the bllini with smoked salmon mousse topped with paprika, Yorkshire puddings with rare beef & horseradish cream and finally filo tartlets with chervil & coriander mousse.
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