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Darrell from Northcote
Plus a box of golf balls.
Contact Darrell
021 99 88 95
Price: $600
The Team from Auckland Council
We will continue to service your roadside collections during the holiday season, but with changes to collection dates. All returns to normal on 9 January 2023.
Click on 'Read More' to check the collection dates for your address.
Janferie from Hillcrest
Fisher and paykel, quicksmart 5.5l , good working order, tidy, 10yrs old, replaced sensor board 2 yrs ago. Contact Janferie 0274922981. Negotiable
Darrell from Northcote
Weber charcoal barbeque.
Contact Darrell
021 99 88 95.
Price: $150
The Team from
The environment is on the mind for North Islanders after a recent study by the University of Auckland that found that Aucklanders are inhaling large amounts of airborne microplastics.
Some New Zealanders are trying to do their bit for climate change by biking more, planting trees, trying … View moreThe environment is on the mind for North Islanders after a recent study by the University of Auckland that found that Aucklanders are inhaling large amounts of airborne microplastics.
Some New Zealanders are trying to do their bit for climate change by biking more, planting trees, trying Meat-Free Mondays and only purchasing used clothing.
Vote in the poll and share any thoughts below - if you don't wish for your comments to be shared in the We Say You Say column of your local paper alongside your first name and suburb, simply add Not For Print.
35 replies (Members only)
Christmas is a time for people come together. In a divided world, the need for peace and reconciliation is greater than ever. Peace with one another, peace with ourselves and ultimately, peace with God.
We invite you and your whānau to come along to LIFE North, a church to call home in Albany … View moreChristmas is a time for people come together. In a divided world, the need for peace and reconciliation is greater than ever. Peace with one another, peace with ourselves and ultimately, peace with God.
We invite you and your whānau to come along to LIFE North, a church to call home in Albany for one of our Christmas services. Discover and experience peace on earth on Christmas Eve and Day for a special time of carols, an encouraging message and much more!
Find out more
Thesaurus Day is your opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the best friend of writers - the thesaurus. Whether you’re looking for a new word to spice up your vocabulary, or looking for precisely the right synonym to add nuance to a sentence or phrase, the thesaurus is there to help you!
Grab your sunnies and slap on some sunscreen because the Canon Summer Snaps Competition is back again! Start snapping away this summer and you could be taking your next photos with a brand new Canon camera.
Upload your favourite summer snap online at and enter it into one … View moreGrab your sunnies and slap on some sunscreen because the Canon Summer Snaps Competition is back again! Start snapping away this summer and you could be taking your next photos with a brand new Canon camera.
Upload your favourite summer snap online at and enter it into one of our six categories to be in to win! There are six EOS Canon cameras valued up to $1,999 to be won this summer. Entries close Tuesday, 31 Jan. Photos must be larger than 1mb. View the T&Cs here.
The team at Stuff
Find out more
John Gillon from John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board
UPDATE: While many Councillors spoke against aspects of the Mayoral proposal, in the end it was supported by all but one Councillor, and so will now go out for public consultation in late-Feb/March. Unbelievably, no councillors put forward any amendments.
Some aspects will not be consulted on and … View moreUPDATE: While many Councillors spoke against aspects of the Mayoral proposal, in the end it was supported by all but one Councillor, and so will now go out for public consultation in late-Feb/March. Unbelievably, no councillors put forward any amendments.
Some aspects will not be consulted on and are now effectively approved with staff to work out the exact details, including the reduction in rubbish bins, a lower level of service for garden maintenance and mowing, public transport fare increase, increase in entrance fees and reduction of opening hours for the Zoo, Art Gallery, etc. We'll need to wait to see the detail on when those kick in.
Today Councillors are considering the Mayor's budget proposal which would slash a large number of Council services and assets from June 2023. This is to plug a budget hole while keeping rates low. The public will get to have their say in February/March and the budget will apply from July.
If adopted, all local boards, including the Kaipātiki Local Board, could face a significant cut to our Opex budgets that we use to fund libraries, leisure centres, community centres, local events (ANZAC Day services, Christmas Parades, Movies in Parks, Summer Fun, etc) as well as funding a number of organisations to deliver community and environmental services at a lower cost than Council could provide.
The Kaipātiki Local Board gave substantial feedback on the Mayoral Proposal (attached). All local boards (including Kaipātiki) were denied speaking rights at today's meeting.
Other gems:
* Removal of around 3000 rubbish bins [not to be consulted on]
* Less garden maintenance, with an expected increase in weeds [not to be consulted on]
* Less mowing of turf - 2.5cm higher (it isn't clear if this includes sportsfields) [not to be consulted on]
* Council no longer running Kauri Kids (including Glenfield, Birkdale, Beach Haven) which could mean closure or commercialisation
* Not reinstating public transport services that have been removed recently due to bus driver shortages, etc.
* Increasing public transport prices by 6.5% (probably on top of the increase when the half-price fares end) [not to be consulted on]
* Ending ALL regional grants (inc environment, heritage, sports, arts).
* Changes to entrance fees and/or hours for the Zoo, Art Gallery, Maritime Museum, Stadiums, etc.
* Reducing stormwater maintenance [not to be consulted on]
* Numerous other cuts or changes, including to the arts, CAB, group fitness, and much more.
You can watch the meeting here:
The Mayor's proposal:
Staff advice on how to achieve the Mayor's proposal:
We are giving 10 lucky winners $1,000 cash each this Christmas, to enter all you have to do is make a purchase on Mags4Gifts. Spoil your loved ones by gifting them a subscription or treat yourself to your favourite magazine or newspaper subscription.
Mags4Gifts is your one-stop shop for all of … View moreWe are giving 10 lucky winners $1,000 cash each this Christmas, to enter all you have to do is make a purchase on Mags4Gifts. Spoil your loved ones by gifting them a subscription or treat yourself to your favourite magazine or newspaper subscription.
Mags4Gifts is your one-stop shop for all of your Christmas gifts with a range of over 50 products to choose from, including our popular NZ House & Garden, NZ Gardener, and TV Guide magazines. Each product purchased on Mags4Gifts will automatically place you in the draw to win a cash prize - and the best part, there’s no limit on how many times you can enter! Promotion ends Jan 8 2023, for T&Cs click here.
The team at Mags4Gifts
Find out more
Share a festive photo of your furry friend and you could be in to win a $100 Prezzy® card. Because the smell of the Christmas tree and the ripping open of presents isn’t only exciting for us. But for them too.
All pets are welcome - Santa paws, claws, beaks, and squeaks. And if you don’t … View moreShare a festive photo of your furry friend and you could be in to win a $100 Prezzy® card. Because the smell of the Christmas tree and the ripping open of presents isn’t only exciting for us. But for them too.
All pets are welcome - Santa paws, claws, beaks, and squeaks. And if you don’t have a pet, that’s fine; we’d love to see your festive snaps too.
Ends 21 December 2022
Find out more
New Zealand School of Food & Wine
Congratulations to all the students who have recently completed our 5 day full time Barista Micro-credential designed for beginners and will immerse you in the world of coffee!
Next course begins: 9 Jan 2023.
Kaye from Chatswood
This book supports young learners’ writing skills at home and in the classroom with this easy-to-use, clear, and practical thesaurus. This book is also in a very good condition, and is basically brand new.
Price: $10
Kaye from Chatswood
The Excel Junior High School Maths Study Dictionary:
• Is extremely comprehensive with over 300 pages of definitions
• Has over 1000 Maths terms defined
• Is something you can use for four secondary years
• Is based on Australian state syllabuses
• Has been specifically colour coded … View moreThe Excel Junior High School Maths Study Dictionary:
• Is extremely comprehensive with over 300 pages of definitions
• Has over 1000 Maths terms defined
• Is something you can use for four secondary years
• Is based on Australian state syllabuses
• Has been specifically colour coded for each letter of the alphabet
• Has over 1000 diagrams to help explain new concepts clearly
• Has over 150 colour photographs to engage the student
• Has actual Question and Answer examples in definitions.
This book is also in very good condition, basically brand new.
Price: $10
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