Castor Bay, Auckland

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1417 days ago


The Team from Red Cross Shop Wairau Park

School holidays are still on!

Keep the kids happy these Holidays without breaking the budget.

Check out our Red Cross Shop, Wairau Park.


1418 days ago


Shade Design

With not only our years of experience and our own very high standards; we bring you, free of charge, the friendliest service with the most knowledgeable and best-looking team in the industry.

GST FREE MONTH !! Any job quoted and accepted from April 12th - May 20th, 2021 we will take off 15% … View more
With not only our years of experience and our own very high standards; we bring you, free of charge, the friendliest service with the most knowledgeable and best-looking team in the industry.

GST FREE MONTH !! Any job quoted and accepted from April 12th - May 20th, 2021 we will take off 15% !!!!!!

We make for you Awnings, Canopies, Carports, Outdoor Screens, Shade Sails, Contract Fabrication and Installation

Give us a call or book a free quote to see what our friendly and experienced team can do to maximise your outdoor living area.
Book Now

1418 days ago

Piano lessons

Katarina Miskovic from Milford Baptist Church

Piano lessons available by experienced piano tutor. For more information, please call 027 900 1053

1418 days ago

Michelin energy tyre

Kim from Takapuna

2nd hand Michelin energy tyre (E3A)

175/60 R14

Still has good tread, no longer required as I changed vehicles

Price: $39

1420 days ago

Anzac Day: War letters to home

Caryn Wilkinson Reporter from Community News

Sunday marks the 106-year anniversary of the first landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

For many of the 16000 soldiers, April 25, 1915 marked their first day of combat.

And by that night, 2000 had been killed or maimed.

We remember our Auckland… View more
Sunday marks the 106-year anniversary of the first landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

For many of the 16000 soldiers, April 25, 1915 marked their first day of combat.

And by that night, 2000 had been killed or maimed.

We remember our Auckland veterans and fallen soldiers with their letters to friends and loved ones back home.

Here are letters from Michael Menzies, a Prisoner of War in Japan, to his friend Norm Ryder:


Dear Norm,

Still existing and anticipating a speedy reunion.

Appreciate your kind thoughts and wishes.

I often have the Queen St blues and a perpetual Waitemata thirst and occasionally a nicotine fit.

Received three of your letters and am anxiously
awaiting for more.

Your Affectionate Pal


Michael Menzies' letter to his relatives:

Dear Auntie Kate and Ange,

I received your very welcomed letter dated May 25th on Nov 25 th.

Although Jack has received a parcel from St Johns Association London and a very brief letter from Kathleen, this is the first I have received in twenty two long months.

I had given up all hope of getting mail so imagine the thrill it gave me.

There is only one thing I need Auntie and that is news, especially of Pat.

Please don’t keep it from me if anything has happened to him for that would only hurt me all the more.

I can’t help but think the worst has happened to him.

How is everyone in New Zealand?

I have made several radio broadcasts from here, did you hear any of them?

Of course I know you’ll understand when I tell you that our correspondence is limited in more ways than one.

Please don’t send money as you suggested, but a few packs of cigarettes, gum, and a photo would be very welcome.

Apart from a few attacks of asthma Jack is very well and sends his love to all.

I assure you Auntie that you have no need to worry so much over Jack or myself as we are both together which makes it much easier on me and under the circumstances the treatment is fair enough.

There are many things I want to ask you and tell you but unfortunately they will have to wait until peace has been restored once more to this mad world.

Well auntie I sincerely hope this letter finds you in the very best of health and

Along with it I send the seasons greetings and all my love.

Lots and lots of love.



Auckland Star Nov 1945 (2).PDF story about Menzies brothers as Prisoners of War.PDF Download View

1418 days ago

Move with Ease - Movement and Yoga Course at Wholehearted Yoga

Lucy from Takapuna

Hello all! I hope you are well today.
I recently ran a well-received Movement and Yoga course in Devonport called 'Move with Ease'. I am running this again from 2nd May Wholehearted Yoga Studio in Birkenhead. You can find more information about the course, including testimonials here: … View more
Hello all! I hope you are well today.
I recently ran a well-received Movement and Yoga course in Devonport called 'Move with Ease'. I am running this again from 2nd May Wholehearted Yoga Studio in Birkenhead. You can find more information about the course, including testimonials here:
One participant said the following about the course:

'A great adventure of self (re)discovery. Lucy is a graceful teacher who will guide you through an alternative view of yoga movement & mindfulness - focusing on the power & importance of all your body. A gentle & insightful course. Highly recommended'.

Please message or email me if you'd like to join us!

Lucy x

1419 days ago

Butterfly black leather chair

Debora from Hillcrest

Super comfy and stylish occasional chair for your office, living room and etc.
It can be dismantledand easily assembled back. You’re welcome to come and view in person - Hillcrest AKL.
It is in great conditions! ✨

Price: $80

1419 days ago

Boho Storage Basket $25

Debora from Hillcrest

Stylish and useful storage basket
40cm height 50cm diameter
Pick up in Hillcrest

1419 days ago

Aquaport Breville Desktop Water Cooler

Kim from Takapuna

The Convenient Water Cooler On Bench.
Ideal for families and small offices offering chilled and ambient filtered water. The Aquaport desktop filtered water cooler is a compact and modern family friendly solution offering chilled & ambient filtered water for just a few cents per litre.

COOLS 2… View more
The Convenient Water Cooler On Bench.
Ideal for families and small offices offering chilled and ambient filtered water. The Aquaport desktop filtered water cooler is a compact and modern family friendly solution offering chilled & ambient filtered water for just a few cents per litre.

The new & improved thermo-electric cooling technology provides the perfect glass of chilled water every time.

Filtration system provides great tasting water by reducing Lead, Copper, Chlorine, bad taste and odour.


AQP-FCR-Q Filter cartridge.
Capacity Bottle capacity 6.5L
Filtered water capacity 4.5L
Filter life 6 months or 600 litres
Construction Materials Plastic.
Dimensions (WxDxH) 24 x 24 x 44 cm
Power 70 Watts
Model: AQP-24CS

Price: $99

1422 days ago

We got Ben back! Thank you so much for your help!

Yi from Hillcrest

Hi dear neighbors, please let me know if you see our cat Ben. We just adopted him from another family last Sunday and kept him home since. He’s doing very well and getting more confident. He’s supposed to get desexed and chipped next week, so no chip with him yet, no name tag as well. He’s … View moreHi dear neighbors, please let me know if you see our cat Ben. We just adopted him from another family last Sunday and kept him home since. He’s doing very well and getting more confident. He’s supposed to get desexed and chipped next week, so no chip with him yet, no name tag as well. He’s not very familiar with his name yet. But he’s super friendly to people, may come towards you for pat. I forgot to close the door this morning 22/04 10:05 when I took my laundry basket outside, just one second, he saw the opportunity and ran across the street. We live at 12 Hillcrest Avenue, call me 0275290258 if you see him. And if you could keep him and I will fetch him anytime. Thank you so much! My son’s devastated.

1419 days ago

Anzac Day: War letters to home

Caryn Wilkinson Reporter from Community News

Sunday marks the 106-year anniversary of the first landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

For many of the 16000 soldiers, April 25, 1915 marked their first day of combat.

And by that night, 2000 had been killed or maimed.

We remember our Auckland… View more
Sunday marks the 106-year anniversary of the first landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

For many of the 16000 soldiers, April 25, 1915 marked their first day of combat.

And by that night, 2000 had been killed or maimed.

We remember our Auckland veterans with their letters to friends and loved ones back home.

Corporal Owen Tudor Brewer (pictured in uniform with his family) wrote to his sister Elsie Brewer:

Zeitoun, June 5, 1915

Dear Elsie,

I received your letter of the 17th April yesterday, though I suppose you expected me to receive it on the boat.

I last sent a letter at Aden. We only stopped there a few hours and then left for Suez.

The Red Sea seems to be studded with islands and numbers of light houses on the same (I do not mean on each island).

We passed in very close to one, where a small supply boat had just landed kerosene or what they burn and a long line of coolies like small dots with flashing heads were moving up a steep almost precipitous slope carrying a tin each on their head which glittered in the sun.

Soon after we ran into thousands of drowned locusts floating in the water and now and again one or two fluttered aboard.

For a day and a half we steamed through them and as we were then cutting out 275 miles per day, you can imagine there must have been a fair number of them.

They were a bright yellow colour and about three inches long.

Eventually we arrived at Suez where we disembarked and one lot went through to Cairo that day and I was left behind with a fatigue party to clean up the stables.

We soon finished that and I went for a short stroll round the wharf and yarned to a few Gurka troops who had been in France and were recuperating in a more suitable climate.

One of them claimed to have accounted for 7 Germans and was eager to hang a few more scalps to his belt.

They had some very exciting experiences to relate and I reluctantly bid them Kia Ora, as the troop train which was to convey the remainder of us to Cairo was due.

We soon left Suez behind us, it being late in the evening a cool breeze, or at any rate a cooler breeze than we had had throughout the day when not a breath of air was stirring fanned through the open carriage window.

We had several stops at which the natives beseeched us to buy “orange, mulberries, lemonade.”

I invested 1 piastre in a basket of mulberries and after passing it around the carriage discovered the simple minded native had shoved a couple of handfuls of grass in the bottom and a dozen or so berries on the top as bait.

The joke was on me.

We arrived in Cairo next morning and learning the train, marched down to camp, finding on arrival everything ready for us to drop into our places.

That day and the next we sweltered in the heat.

Cairo was gasping and the maximum temperature reached 119 in the shade.

I consumed great quantities of cool lemonade and became acclimatised.

The heat now does not affect us any more than a midsummer New Zealand day.

It is a very dry heat and we do not oil our rifles at all, only using black lead on any friction parts.

I have been down to Cairo and Heliopolis twice and tomorrow have arranged with a guide for a trip to the Pyramids which will provide some news.

Cairo has very beautiful buildings built of solid stone and masonry work.

Some of them are surrounded by gardens which are a picture to look at and again by a high stone wall with a ponderous gate lot guarded by native porters and a few beggars whose children gather up the crusts we throw away when having lunch on route marches.

We have lots of fun with orange sellers and donkey hirers who charge exorbitant rates if you let them ring it out of you, but a touch up with the riding whip soon brings them around to a knowledge that they have not caught a bunch of mugs.

The troops here are all anxious to get to work and if we have any luck I expect to get away within 3 weeks time.

The flies are biting something unprintable so guess I will have to close.

I am going to have a look around at some postcards and will send them along under separate cover to ta ta, love to all at home,


1420 days ago

Subscribe and receive a free gift

Sunday Star Times

Looking for the perfect Mother's Day treat?

From now until Mother's Day, subscribe to the Sunday Star-Times for 6 months and you will receive a free Antipodes skincare gift, valued at $115!

Follow the link, select the 6-month option and use the promo code SSTMOTHERSDAY at the … View more
Looking for the perfect Mother's Day treat?

From now until Mother's Day, subscribe to the Sunday Star-Times for 6 months and you will receive a free Antipodes skincare gift, valued at $115!

Follow the link, select the 6-month option and use the promo code SSTMOTHERSDAY at the checkout to redeem.

T&C's apply.
Subscribe Now

1420 days ago

King size bed bases

Karl from Glenfield

This king size bed base comes in 2 pieces..there is some tearing on the tops where the fabric has eroded but the springs and wheels are woodi on 021-685-007


1420 days ago

With thanks

Suzanne from Glenfield

We will remember them.

1420 days ago

Anyone have a possum trap we can borrow please?

Cheryl from Sunnynook

A possum appears to have taken up residence under our house.
If you have a trap we can borrow that would be great.

Contact 021 188 9632

