Pourewa Restoration Group

Community Organisation

Pourewa Restoration Group
203 Kohimarama Road
Auckland 1071

The Pourewa Restoration Group are a small group of locals transforming an important area of bush in the heart of Auckland city.

We have a vision of the Pourewa valley being an oasis of native bush in the heart of an ever expanding Auckland City. A place where the community can walk through, be surrounded by native bush and feel a world away from the stresses of city living.

If this land is not cared for it will be replaced by the infiltrating surburbia which is gradually seeping into the few areas of 'free' land that still exist.

Please join us in the transformation and protection of an area that will be appreciated by generations to come. If you are interested in assisting us in controlling these weeds, planting native trees and encouraging birdlife back into this area we would be delighted to hear from you.

Any support and skills are welcome whether it is helping with weeding, planting and track laying or even assisting with applications and accounts or organisation of planting days. We are there most Sunday mornings for a couple of hours starting at 9:00 so we look forward to seeing you there. If you would like to find out more information please view our website www.selwynbush.org or contact me (Martin) at pourewa.restoration@xtra.co.nz