Civil Defence Community Response Group

Community Organisation

Civil Defence Community Response Group
Woodlands Park and Waima

A Community Response Group (CRG) is a group of volunteers whose responsibility is to liaise with Auckland Civil Defence and emergency services to initiate and assist in response to a civil defence emergency. In collaboration with Auckland Civil Defence, the CRG also oversees the Community Response Plan and engages with the local residents to ensure that local residents know how to be prepared for potential disasters and what to do in an emergency.

This CRG covers four suburbs: Laingholm, Parau, Woodlands Park and Waima. Our group consists of 12 members plus 6 members in the Parau sub-group. We are here to help our neighbourhoods be more prepared and more self-reliant in event of a disaster, emergency or prolonged disruption of services such as electricity, water or road access. Feel free to ask us for any relevant information.

Emergency Contacts:

  • Emergency Services: 111
  • Civil Defence: 0800 22 22 00
  • Auckland Council: (09) 301 0101

CRG Group Contacts:

  • Rob Bolus - Chair and Laingholm contact, ph: (09) 817 9175