534 days ago

One of the wettest areas in New Zealand is running out of water

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

From reporter Steven Walton:

The West Coast might be considered the wettest area in the country, but some of its residents using too much water may soon have to endure short bursts without it.

The Grey District Council says two of its communities are facing a “serious situation” and residents there must reduce their water usage “in every way possible” to avoid the water being shut off for temporary periods.

The communities being urged to conserve water are Blackball and greater Greymouth, an area that covers Greymouth, Cobden, Blaketown, Boddytown, Karoro, South Beach, and Paroa.

“We don't want to impose water stoppages but may be forced to if we cannot bring our usage down,” the council said.

The warning has come just a week after the council said its water network was under “significant pressure” due to “the long spell of hot dry weather and increased demand”.

“We experience supply issues when demand for the water starts to exceed our ability to draw water from the ground.”

The council has shared water saving tips online, which include not flushing your toilet at night, taking a small bath instead of a shower, and not using your dishwasher as often.

Sprinklers or irrigation systems have been banned.

“What we’re hoping is if people do conserve water, then we’ll be fine, if everybody does their bit,” Grey District mayor Tania Gibson said.

Gibson said if usage decreased, water shutdowns would be unlikely.

If it was shut off, it would only be for an hour or so across different zones, she said.

The council was also looking at adding chlorine to one water plant, which would allow it to feed water to Runanga “and take pressure off the Grey [supply]”, she said.

Gibson urged everyone to save water and suggested people could turn their taps off when brushing their teeth, only put the washing machine on with a full load, and reuse shower water to water plants.

She said council gardens were now being watered with water from the council fountain.

“My kids wanted to go out on the trampoline with the hose the other night, they were very put out [that they couldn’t],” she said.

“If everybody does their bit and tries hard to conserve it, but still goes about their everyday life and enjoys the sunshine we’re having, it shouldn’t get to [water shutdowns],” she said.

Gibson said the West Coast was “very blasé” about water usage.

“We’ve had it very good and [conserving is] not something that we always have to do.”

The council recently posted two graphs on Facebook that showed each community’s total daily water usage and whether it was considered moderate, high or extreme.

For greater Greymouth, most days have fluttered in high to extreme usage, with only about three days of moderate usage.

Meanwhile, Blackball has not had a day of moderate usage since Christmas.

Both water supplies are fed through underground bores.

Last week, the council said the bores at Coal Creek, which is the source of water for Greymouth, had dropped 0.7 metres in a week. The total water level was 1.7m and it was still falling, the council said at the time.

The council said on Monday that with no significant rain forecast in the next 10 days, the water supply would remain under strain.

The West Coast is historically the wettest area of New Zealand.

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6 days ago

Why are ghosts such bad liars?

The Team from

...You can see right through them.

No, we haven't lost the plot! July 1st is International Joke Day and because laughter is good for your body, we want to get involved.

So, go on, jokers! Share your best joke below...

18 hours ago

Controversial West Coast landfill granted extension to fix issues

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

By local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:

A controversial West Coast private landfill under Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) watch is being given more time to fix water issues following "adverse weather".

The EPA has granted Taylorville Resource Park (TRP) an extension of a few weeks to meet the requirements of a three month abatement notice slapped on the site in March.

It came after the West Coast Regional Council asked the authority in February to take over its environmental compliance investigation of the Coal Creek landfill, 5km east of Greymouth.

The council was plagued with complaints about the landfill site throughout 2023.

These ranged from an overwhelming stench forcing neighbours to stay indoors, alleged asbestos generated dust, and water leaching from the site into a roadside drain.

After the authority took over investigations in February, it found leachate from the landfill had been allowed to spill from the site via an adjoining waterway.

Under the subsequent abatement, TRP were given three months to comply, ending June 14.

Investigations manager Jackie Adams said compliance officers have since visited the site and found TRP have made "significant progress".

However, the work required has not been completed due to "adverse weather conditions" during the abatement period, Adams said.

Because of this, the authority had yet to determine the final outcome of its investigation.

"Our officers will be returning to the site again in the coming weeks," Adams said.

"Once this inspection has been completed, we will determine if all the conditions of the notice have been met before considering any next steps."

LDR has asked the authority what type of weather factor was at play.
"We understand that there were poor weather conditions in April that affected TRP's ability to install the waterproof lining of the new storage pond," Adams said.

The authority recognised the future of the site as "an important issue for people in the region".

It continued to work with TRP to ensure compliance with the abatement, he said.

"Under the Resource Management Act, the EPA has specific enforcement functions to assist and intervene in an enforcement action of a council."

Adams said they will provide a further update when they have completed their follow-up inspection and confirmed any next step.

West Coast Regional Council Regulatory and Policy group manager Jocelyne Allen said they were keeping a watch on the site to ensure an "appropriate level of enforcement" in line with "the level of environmental effects".

Allen was asked to expand in what was meant by an appropriate level of enforcement.

She said the council was "using its discretion" while working through its enforcement strategy.

This was to ensure relevant treatment of the site from a compliance perspective, she said.

Allen said they expected an update from the EPA by mid-July.

The council had several options to consider, under the Resource Management Act, beyond the EPA's findings.

Those could include anything "from a warning right up to prosecution," Allen said.

The council also had the power to issue notices with conditions plus interim and enforcement orders.

Allen said they were constantly evaluating the best options, but the council had not yet taken action to say "it can't operate".

"We wouldn't just be able to shut the site down at this stage."

Allen said more recent consent applications from TRP may yet go to a public hearing, but council had to assess if the impacts were "more than a minor environmental effect" before making a hearing decision.

Allen said that could also be circumvented if the applicant themselves requested a public hearing.

TRP has been approached by LDR. Questions included if it anticipates meeting the extended abatement period, and if it would be happy for a public hearing.

1 day ago

Pressure on council to protect Hokitika from flooding

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

By local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:

Earthworks should begin along Hokitika's Gibson Quay next week on a delayed flood bank build.

The clock has been ticking on the Hokitika River protection project since last December when West Coast Regional Council awarded a contract but then had to wait on KiwiRail to sign the project off.

Council, in an extraordinary meeting on Thursday (July 4), approved extra costs in response to KiwiRail requirements above the original tender price.

Contractor Henry Adams was awarded the tender at the end of 2023 after last winter completing the first stage of the project, behind Westland Milk Products, and adjoining the river.

The new section runs along the railway line and Gibson Quay from Westland Milk Products down to the Hokitika Bridge.

It also adjoins the Wadeson Island and Hokitika River bank whitebaiting area.

Council chairperson Peter Haddock said the pressure is now on to finish the new flood bank within two months - with the local whitebaiting season due to start on September 1.

"It's been delayed and once again it's been a concern of council in getting through the project … I do understand that Kiwi Rail have to look after their asset," Haddock said.

In the meantime the community remained "vulnerable" to the river.

"The bulk of the works have got to be done before the whitebait season … that project will be underway immediately next week - that will be a good bit of protection works for Hokitika," Haddock said.

Dubbed '1B,' the project is the second of a suite of staged Kanoa approved flood resilience works costing several million dollars.

These will eventually improve protection to the entire Hokitika residential and business area from Kaniere to the CBD.

Haddock said KiwiRail had sought adjustment to the original contract scope.

"It had been let to Henry Adams Contracting subject to approval from KiwiRail, which has taken over nine months - because it was let before Christmas," Haddock said.

"They've finally come back and there's more work to do to protect their network."

The extraordinary meeting was required to tick off the cost of "more earthworks" and drainage in response to KiwiRail.

"There was a significant cost but it was below the budget that was allowed for the project," Haddock said.

This amounted to about $200,000 below their original budget contingencies.

"The contract is still under budget."

Haddock said the adjusted costs "were still competitive" and the council was satisfied with a staff recommendation on that basis.