From: Kuratau
To: The Metal Trout, Taupo
TIME: 84days
See how everyone has been contributing to the mission.
When you join the virtual tour, your donation will support our essential services - Meals on Wheels and Migration Programmes – as well as our COVID-19 emergency response work alongside the Ministry of Health and local Civil Defence groups. These essential services are continuing throughout the Level 4 restrictions, and we are ensuring that our staff and volunteers are safe and following all recommended hygiene practices to slow the spread. Our former refugee clients have received key Ministry of Health messages translated by our team into 11 languages, and our staff and volunteers are continuing to support these communities remotely.
Already vulnerable groups have become even more vulnerable due to this pandemic, and by joining up to this virtual tour you will be helping this work that is happening right now. You will also be supporting families who have lost contact with each other because of COVID-19 pandemic through our Restoring Family Links service.
Want to help raise more funds for vulnerable people? Click 'Sponsor Mission' now and sign up for your own fundraising page. You can then ask your friends and family to sponsor you on your virtual challenge.
If you have any questions please get in touch at or 0800 RED CROSS (773 27677).
$9,010 raised since 9 Apr 2020.