Oaklands Te Kura o Ōwaka|Redevelopment Update
Featured Article
September 15, 2021
Karen Mackie
And finally.....the rebuild has come to an end.
This blog is about the Oaklands School redevelopment happening in 2019/20 . If you have a question, email rebuild@oaklands.school.nz
Karen MackieJuly 28, 2021
The refurbishment of Rooms 12 & 13 is coming along nicely and should be completed over the next few weeks.
Karen MackieJune 30, 2021
The refurbishment of Rooms 12 & 13 is coming along nicely and will possibly be completed by the end of the term break.
Karen MackieMay 18, 2021
The refurbishment of Rooms 12 & 13 is coming along nicely.
Karen MackieMay 5, 2021
Over the holidays we have had some line marking done around the school.
Margaret TrotterMay 5, 2021
We are nearly finished with our total rebuild. We now have access to our hall. However at the end of term 1 the MOE informed the school that they
Karen MackieMarch 30, 2021
After Easter we will have the use of the school hall again and it is looking fantastic.
Karen MackieMarch 10, 2021
The work on the hall is coming along nicely and is not far off completion.
Karen MackieFebruary 17, 2021
The work on the hall is coming along nicely.
Oaklands RedevelopmentFebruary 3, 2021
Have a look at some pictures from inside the hall. It's got fresh paint, new windows, and the stage has been removed.
Our central courtyard and new sports court are now complete.
Oaklands RedevelopmentDecember 4, 2020
The map shows where school 'teams' (a grouping of two year groups) will be in 2021.
Oaklands RedevelopmentNovember 17, 2020
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 27, 2020
but by the end of Term 4 this area will host a new sports court for students.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 19, 2020
Hann Construction is now working on a central courtyard for whole school gatherings.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 13, 2020
Some of our Year 6 students agreed to pose for the newspaper story. Here's a sneak peek at the story that will appear in the paper, distributed on
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 10, 2020
Rooms 5/6 have been demolished to make way for a new central courtyard where all the school can gather.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 8, 2020
If your child is in Hub 2,3,5 or 6 they will be in a new space for Term 4, in the refurbished red brick blocks. Here's where to take them on the
Karen MackieOctober 7, 2020
Over the term break Oaklands School has been a hive of activity!
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 7, 2020
Below is a map of our school with names for each building, so you know where your child will be for Term 4.
Karen MackieOctober 6, 2020
Oaklands RedevelopmentSeptember 14, 2020
In the next week the builders will install carpet tiles and finish the shade covers outside the red brick blocks.
Oaklands RedevelopmentSeptember 8, 2020
The buildings that were part of the Ministry of Education-funded redevelopment will be complete at the end of Term 3.
Oaklands RedevelopmentSeptember 1, 2020
From next term our students will all be in new or completely refurbished buildings.
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 25, 2020
Toy swaps, recycling education and rubbish-free lunch weeks are some of the ways our school is becoming more environmentally-friendly and working
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 17, 2020
The builders are preparing to put up a canopy for shade and pour concrete paths. Inside, plastering and painting continues.
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 10, 2020
Year 6s have been busy researching new furniture options for the Rurutu block that they will move into from Term 4. Rurutu is next to the Year 7/8
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 4, 2020
It's 8 weeks until our redevelopment ends and thought is being given to landscaping.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJuly 28, 2020
Inside the two blocks a steady pace is being maintained so they will be ready for students in Term 4.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJuly 20, 2020
By the end of Term 3 the total refurbishment of our two red brick blocks will be complete.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJune 30, 2020
Once renovation of the red brick blocks is complete, new outside features such as a new half basketball can be added.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJune 23, 2020
Work is underway on the last part of our redevelopment - transforming our original red brick blocks.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJune 1, 2020
When the school re-opened, our builders Hann Construction got back on the job refurbishing the two long Canterbury brick blocks.
Oaklands RedevelopmentMarch 16, 2020
The long brick blocks have been gutted and by the end of Term 3 their refurbishment will be complete.
Oaklands RedevelopmentMarch 2, 2020
We have been gifted a new Māori name for our school, Te Kura Ōwaka, and names for each of the blocks in our school. We are grateful to Te Taumutu
Oaklands RedevelopmentFebruary 24, 2020
Work is well underway to transform our two long brick blocks from the original school into modern learning spaces with the latest technology.
Oaklands RedevelopmentFebruary 17, 2020
If you have seen a new face (topped off with a large leather hat) around school it is our new caretaker Sven Christensen.
Oaklands RedevelopmentFebruary 11, 2020
And a new heat pump means the water is warm for all our swimmers.
Oaklands RedevelopmentDecember 16, 2019
The new administration block and flexible learning block/library are now ready to be moved into!
Oaklands RedevelopmentDecember 9, 2019
From next week we'll begin this exciting move that will involve lots of work for our office staff and others.
Oaklands RedevelopmentNovember 19, 2019
Our senior students are moving into their fantastic new space - complete with green room, refreshed kitchen and grandstand seating.
Oaklands RedevelopmentNovember 3, 2019
You might have noticed the outside of our former office has changed quite a lot recently.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 29, 2019
The new block will contain our library and be a flexible learning space for students of all year groups.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 22, 2019
A garden area is being developed behind the new junior block.
Oaklands RedevelopmentOctober 14, 2019
Our junior students have moved into a wonderful new expanded block and pupils have a new playground to use.
Oaklands RedevelopmentSeptember 10, 2019
Our redevelopment is creating innovative learning environments as well as new and refurbished buildings and facilities.
Oaklands RedevelopmentSeptember 2, 2019
To allow the new playground to be built during the school holidays, the existing one needs to be taken down. This will happen from the week
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 27, 2019
Yr 7/8 students have been involved in how their new hub will work, including suggestions for furniture, plants and how they will use the new green
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 19, 2019
As buildings are completed in our redevelopment, they will get a paint job in a new colour scheme chosen by the Ministry of Education.
Oaklands RedevelopmentAugust 12, 2019
The junior block will be finished by the end of Term 3. It will be pretty exciting to have the first part of our redevelopment complete and move our
Oaklands RedevelopmentJuly 29, 2019
Work is progressing well on turning the former administration area into a technology-packed hub for our Yr 7/8 students.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJuly 22, 2019
Work is progressing on the new administration block and striking new entrance to our school.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJuly 2, 2019
This will be a real milestone in our journey to a redeveloped school.
The cover of this week's Western News paper features the smiling faces of some of our students from a story about our planned new playground.
Oaklands RedevelopmentJune 25, 2019
We can now clearly see the form of our three new buildings.
Oaklands SchoolJune 5, 2019
Students often love break times and the chance to get push their physical boundaries on play equipment. So it is fitting Oaklands School pupils
Oaklands RedevelopmentMay 26, 2019
The framing for a new classroom block where the junior playground once stood is now in place.
Oaklands RedevelopmentMay 11, 2019
When new parts of the school will be finished and existing parts refurbished.
The former administration block is being transformed into a smart new learning space complete with kitchen for students to unleash their culinary
Karen MackieMay 7, 2019
The bird’s eye view above shows the placement of buildings on the finished school site.
Karen MackieApril 30, 2019
During the holidays Hann Construction dug trenches for our school’s new technology systems and to connect services for our new buildings.
Karen MackieApril 9, 2019
Exciting times ahead.....
Margaret TrotterApril 2, 2019
The past week has been an exciting time at Oaklands as we have started a number of construction projects.
Margaret TrotterMarch 13, 2019
11 March-This week we have had some further changes with the digging of the new foundation for our new classroom block and the removal of our
Margaret TrotterJanuary 31, 2019
It is finally happening. This week the fences have gone up to isolate 5 buildings that will be demolished in the next month.
Margaret TrotterSeptember 12, 2018
Our students in Room 22 and Room 23 are very excited as the Board of Trustees has funded new curtains in these rooms as part of the remodelling.
Margaret TrotterSeptember 5, 2018
Work is progressing well on room 20 and 21. Our architect will be visiting the school next week to discuss colours as part of our rebuild programme.
Margaret TrotterAugust 29, 2018
Congratulations to our 2 year 1 classes with their new learning space. The new spaces are known as ILE -(Innovative Learning Spaces) This model is
Caroline MartinAugust 21, 2018
Today is an exciting day for Oaklands School as we open Room 22 & 23 as a Flexible learning space.
Jenny WalkerAugust 18, 2018
Education Minister Chris Hipkins joined Oaklands School to celebrate the start of their redevelopment and marked the milestone with a sod-turning
Margaret TrotterJuly 25, 2018
There was great excitement in the term break as the builders work on a number of projects.
Margaret TrotterJuly 4, 2018
We finally beginning our rebuild programme. This is a very exciting time for Oaklands School.
Margaret TrotterDecember 5, 2017
As part of our preparation for our rebuild we have had to move some year levels to different classroom areas.
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