0800 367 222

CAB Central Wellington

At Citizens Advice Bureau Central Wellington we help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. We provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action, and work for positive social change within communities and wider society. We provide a free and independent service to all.

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Wellington Central was the last of the current Wellington offices to be established. During the early 1990s, a group from both within the Citizens Advice Bureau organisation and the wider Wellington community decided that there needed to be a branch right in the middle of Wellington’s CBD. In 1994, the office opened its doors, located inside the Wellington City Library on Victoria Street.

In 2007, the Bureau moved from its original location inside the library to a bright new space on the building’s mezzanine level. On 19 March 2019 the Central Library Building was closed. Wellington Central CAB is now located at Level 2, 15 Dixon Street, in Te Aro.

Today, Wellington Central remains a vibrant and diverse member of the Citizens Advice Wellington Bureau group. The central branch is open 6 days of the week and is an important part of the Wellington city community.

You can visit us without an appointment or call us on the phone during our office hours. If it is more convenient for you then send us an email through this webpage or use the online chat system on this website.

JP services are now available at Te Awe Library, on Panama Street, between Lambton Quay and Featherston Street:

Monday – Friday: 12pm – 2pm

Tuesday and Wednesday: 4.30pm – 5.30pm

Saturday: 11am – 1pm

If you have documents that need to be witnessed, declared or sworn – complete the details required but DO NOT sign them. This has to be done in front of the JP.

If you require a copy of a document certified please bring the original and the copy.

Please read the checklist for visiting a Justice of the Peace to make sure you are prepared for your visit.

All JP services are free but you may be asked to make a donation if you require multiple documents photocopied.

General Information and Advice

Our experienced volunteers have access to a database of information covering a wide range of topics that allow us to help you develop options for dealing with issues you are facing.

If we can’t find suitable options for addressing your particular issues, we will be able to direct you to other agencies with specialist knowledge.

From 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, we answered over 2,300 enquiries. The most frequently asked topic areas were rental housing, employment issues, consumer complaints, citizenship and immigration, and relationship issues.

Budget Advice

The Wellington Citizens Advice Budget Service provides free budget advice and mentoring from trained advisors. Their advice can help you take control of your debt. Book an appointment in person at the bureau or email

Meetings with a Financial Mentor (Budget Advisor) are arranged at one of our five CAB offices that is most convenient for you.

Forms and pamphlets

We hold, or can download for you, a wide range of forms, eg. Passport and Citizenship application, various immigration forms, Tenancy Tribunal application forms, Marriage Dissolution applications.

We also hold pamphlets and brochures on a multitude of topics, eg. consumer issues, renting, legal issues and neighbourhood issues.

Help with paperwork

Our volunteers will help you complete government or other official forms. We can also help you write letters.

Workers’ Rights Advocacy Service

This is a free service providing advice and advocacy for low-income employees having problems at work. The service is available three evenings a week at the Central Wellington CAB branch. This service is by appointment only (in person at our office or via zoom) Clients are required to email first (, attaching all relevant documents (employment contract and letters to/from employer etc).

We have a large group of dedicated volunteers who give their time freely to help our clients.
Our volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
All of our volunteers undergo regular professional training sessions to keep them up to date with legislation, consumer and legal issues.
Come in and talk to us about how we can help.

We are grateful to all our funders, who make it possible for us to keep providing a service we are proud of. We wish to acknowledge our major funders:

  • Wellington City Council
  • Lottey Grants Board
  • Communities Organisations Grants Scheme (COGS)
  • The Lion Foundation
  • W N Pharazyn Charitable Trust
  • Four Winds foundation
  • Pub Charity Limited

Our staff and volunteers are available to visit schools, community or interest groups to speak about the work we do and explain the range of services which can be accessed through us. For more information, email our Business Development Manager


Contact details

CAB Central Wellington

Call us on 04 370 2500
Send us an email

Physical address

Level 2,
15 Dixon Street
Get directions

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 10 AM - 3.30 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 1 PM
Saturday: 11 AM - 1 PM
To protect our volunteers if you are feeling unwell, please wear a mask or contact us by phone or email instead.
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