Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Level 1 and Level 2)
I came to Auckland in 2001 from northern India. I didn’t know much about New Zealand history or Māori culture, but my wife – who was also born and raised in India – was focusing on te ao Māori in her teaching degree. The reo and culture attracted me. I could see a lot of similarities with Indian culture, and I began learning.
Studying in the Te Pōkaitahi Reo programme has allowed me to develop a totally beautiful and unique relationship with Māori communities in Auckland. The learning has helped my work to bridge gaps between Māori and others in our multicultural communities. I took my citizenship oath in te reo Māori, and again when I was sworn in as a Justice of the Peace. The positive reaction encouraged me to continue promoting te reo in my Punjabi radio talkshows, in the news bulletins I read for radio stations around the world, and in my work as a community advisor for Counties Manukau Police.
When I look back I feel really proud. It’s a really great feeling when I speak te reo Māori. It’s a privilege. We who are not Māori are recent immigrants to this land where our Māori brothers and sisters have been living for many generations, and we should know and respect their language, beliefs, protocols and values. We can live in harmony as long as we know each other.

Parminder Singh, Te Pōkaitahi Reo graduate
Kimihia he huarahi ako
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