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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Tūnga waka ki te taone

Where to park in the city

Tauranga city centre offers plenty of parking options to suit a variety of needs.

Coming in to the city centre but not sure where to park?

Below are the most cost-effective parking options.

City Centre Parking Map

City centre parking map (64.5kb pdf)

Tauranga Waterfront parking options

Parking buildings

There are two parking buildings in Tauranga city centre which are open 24/7:

  • Elizabeth Street parking building - enter from Elizabeth Street or First Ave
  • Spring Street parking building - enter from Durham Street

Parking building rates:

  • $2 per hour for the first two hours. $2.50 maximum for any additional hours
  • All-day rate (over 7 hours) - $17.50
  • Free from 5pm to 6am on weekdays
  • Free all weekend and on public holidays

View all hourly parking rates

Parking building changes from 2 September 2024

To help make the parking buildings more inviting, they have had a revamp. From 2 September 2024, you'll see the below changes:

  • No more barrier arms
  • New licence plate recognition cameras when you enter and exit
  • New payment machines
  • No more paper tickets, just enter your number plate into the pay machine or use the PayMyPark App
  • More lighting
  • More CCTV cameras

You are now required to:

  • Pay as you enter using the PayMyPark App or
  • Pay as you leave via the parking machine
  • If you have left the building without paying there is unfortunately no way to back pay. You will need to wait and see if you receive an infringement before you can request a waiver or dispute the ticket.

App Payments

If using the app, payment must be made upon arrival. You'll have two options:

  • Pay upfront for the expected duration of your stay.
  • If you aren't sure how long you need to park for, you can use the "start-stop" option on the app. This initially charges for a full day, and when you select "stop" upon leaving, the app will refund any unused time back to your PayMyPark account.

If you don't have the app, payment must be made via the machines located on each floor by the lifts when you exit.

Download the PayMyPark App

Cash payments

Cash payments must be made at the pay stations inside the building. They cannot be made at the on-street machines, as these are a different tariff.

Locations include:

Elizabeth Street

  • Level 1
  • Level 5 (1st Avenue entry)

Spring Street

  • Level 3 (Durham Street entry)
  • Level 1 (Grey Street entry)

On-street parking

On-street parking is a great option if you're planning a quick visit into Tauranga city centre and are parking for less than 2 hours. Payment for on-street parking is required from 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.

If you're parking on the street, even during free parking times, be sure to check the time limit on the nearby signs (like P15, P30, P60 or P120). Time limits apply seven days a week, from 8am to 6pm. These timed areas also have a daily limit, so parking can only be purchased in these areas once a day per vehicle.


  • $2 per hour for the first 2 hours; $5 per additional hour
  • Free from 5pm - 8am on weekdays
  • Free all weekend and on public holidays

Off-street car parks (all day)

If you work in the city centre, off-street car parks offer the best all-day rates.

Here's where you can park:

  • Cliff Road - 166 all-day spaces, max daily charge of $6.50
  • Dive Crescent - 150 all-day spaces, max daily charge of $8.00
  • TV3, Wharf Street - 45 all-day spaces, max daily charge of $12.50
  • NEW! 160-176 Devonport Road - 103 all-day spaces, max daily charge of $12.50

Payment is required 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday. Hourly rates can be found at the parking machines and on the PayMyPark App.

Paying for parking

There are some on-street time restricted areas which are signposted P15, P30, P60, or P120. Time limits apply seven days a week, from 8am to 6pm. Payment is also required in these timed areas on weekdays between 8am to 5pm.

Full list of parking fees

PayMyPark (app and website)

The PayMyPark app and website can be used for all city centre parking, including the parking buildings. If you prepay through the app, it will send you a notification when your time's almost up, reminding you to extend your parking, if needed, so you can avoid a parking ticket.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Download the PayMyPark app for free.
  • Set up an account by registering your details.
  • Select your parking area.
  • Choose to pay for a set time or use the start/stop option.
  • Click "buy," and your parking will start

While there are no transaction fees applied to casual payments, account users will be charged a fee when topping up their account. This is due to the way PayMyPark functions across the country. However, account users will be refunded 6% of the credit used in Tauranga at the end of each month (credited to their account).

Download the app for free at the App Store or Google Play or visit the PayMyPark website.

Get PayMyPark for IOS  Get PayMyPark for andriod

Need help with PayMyPark?

If you have any concerns or questions about using PayMyPark, please contact our parking team. For technical or account support visit PayMyPark

Parking machines

Tauranga parking machines are paperless so they won’t issue you a ticket to display on your dashboard. You will need to enter the licence number for your vehicle at the parking machine, then pay for your parking as usual.

You can pay for your parking with:

  • Debit card (including paywave) no transaction fees apply
  • Coins - only some machines accept cash; those that do are usually placed opposite cashless machines. This reduces maintenance costs and encourages options like the PayMyPark app and tap and go cards.

How to get an electronic parking receipt

When you complete your parking transaction using the paperless machines, you will be asked if you want an e-receipt. If you select 'yes' a QR code will be displayed and an e-receipt code. Take note of the code or scan the QR code. To receive your receipt enter the e-receipt code and your licence plate number at my-receipt.com

The first time you do this, you can choose to register your email address so that all future receipts and transaction details for that plate number will be sent to your email address. You must still select ‘yes’ at the machine when asked if you would like an e-receipt.

Berm Parking

Berm parking is prohibited between Eleventh Avenue and Marsh Street.

Leased parking

If you have any queries about leased parking or would like to apply for a leased car park please email monthlyparking@tauranga.govt.nz

Frequently asked questions

We know everyone would love free parking all the time, however when parking was free, city workers would fill up the spots early, leaving limited spaces for shoppers and visitors. By having paid parking, we make sure there's a steady turnover of car parks, so more people can find a spot when they come into the city. It's all about keeping things fair and accessible for everyone.

Outside of the city centre paid parking area.

City centre parking, including the two parking buildings, is free in the city centre on weekends, on public holidays and after 5pm on weekdays. 

Yes, both the parking machines and PayMyPark App allow you to top up your parking. Additional parking purchased is added onto existing time purchased. You can use the app anywhere and don’t have to be with your vehicle when you make a purchase. You can also use any machine to pay for parking or top up parking as long as it is in the same parking zone as you have parked (e.g. on street, off street, time restricted areas)

The P15, P30, P60, P120 and P180 apply 8am-6pm Monday to Sunday, excluding Public Holidays.

Yes, all of these are offences and you are likely to receive a parking infringement.

We will have parking officers on patrol and use Licence Plate Recognition technology to identify and enforce parking offences.

  • TV3 rooftop car park (corner Durham Street and Wharf Street)
  • Dive Crescent
  • Cliff Road
  • 160-176 Devonport Road
  • Elizabeth Street Parking Building
  • Spring Street Parking Building (entry on Durham Street)

Tauranga parking machines are paperless, so they won’t issue you a ticket to display on your dashboard. You will need to enter the licence number for your vehicle at the parking machine, then pay for your parking as usual. Alternatively, you can use the PayMyPark App.

The best options for all day parking are the parking buildings or the all day off-street car parks (above).

  • Cliff Road car park ($6.50 per day) - closed and locked on weekends, public holidays and between 7pm - 7am weekdays.
  • Dive Crescent car park ($8.00 per day) – open 24/7
  • TV3 rooftop car park ($12.50 per day) – open 24/7
  • 160-176 Devonport Road
  • Elizabeth Street parking building - open 24/7
  • Spring Street parking building - open 24/7

Yes. Number plate recognition cameras are in operation 24/7 and will scan your number plate on entry and exit of the building. If you have not paid for your parking, a fine will be sent to your home address.

From 2 September 2024 you can use the PayMyPark App on entry or use the parking machines inside the building when leaving. As the parking buildings are paperless, simply put your number plate into the parking machine to pay.

Hourly parking rates in the Elizabeth Street and Spring Street parking buildings have been reduced to $2 an hour for the first 2 hours and each additional hour has been lowered to a max of $2.50. This means the first 2 hours are now the same price as on-street, however each additional hour in the parking building is half the price of on-street parking.

Tauranga Access map

Use the free app to find accessibility information of hundreds of locations including carparks, playgrounds, council facilities, and local businesses.

Download Tauranga Access Map

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement|Site map

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