This consultation closed on 11 July 2021. Thank you for having your say.

We received 78 pieces of feedback. These came via our online feedback form and through our in-person drop-in session, held on 12 June 2021.

Key feedback themes 

  • Overall, people were supportive of the concept plan for Heard Park. 
  • People liked the green open space and large trees.
  • There was support for retaining the swings.
  • People asked for plenty of seating.

What happens next 

Waitemata Local Board approved the concept plan at their August 2023 business meeting.

Next, we will work on the detailed design and construction of Heard Park.

Open question

Mandalay asked

Open question

Swinging Sisters asked

Open question

Terry Anderson5 asked

What are you providing for children ? Parnell badly lacking play facilities for young children. Important to keep the swings . !! Lots of grandparents live in the vicinity of Heard Park and need a good playground to entertain under 6 year olds particularly.

Open question

ThisIsRidiculous asked

Hi, is there a map or some sort of concept illustration? The concept plan as presented lacks any sort of detail and the vague information given aren't concepts really, for example 'Connected' is only a word not a concept in terms of a park. The terms offered are truly meaningless. Where can more tangible information be found?

Have your say on the Heard Park Concept Plan

What play elements would you like to see at Heard Park? Choose your top two.
Would you like to be updated with the Waitematā Local Board eBulletin?
How often do you visit Heard Park?
What are your main activities while at Heard Park?
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your experience of submitting feedback?