Latest news + call for submissions to September Devonport Peninsula eNews.
Kia ora koutou, 

Our September eNews submissions are due on Wednesday 24th August. If you have any community-related events, projects or info for the month of September that you'd like included, please complete our form online or send us an email here. 

For information on upcoming opportunities/events this month, please scroll further down.

Ngā mihi,
The Devonport Peninsula Trust rōpū/team.

Upcoming Opportunities & Events


Devonport-Takapuna Local Board

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm
Venue: Board Room, Ground Floor, 1 The Strand, Takapuna

The local board office is open for public meetings, or for pre-arranged meetings with elected members, staff & planners. Unless there is a public meeting underway the front door is generally locked and only accessible with a swipe card.

Public functions are done at the service desk which is now in the library.

Residents can contact the Council on 09 301 0101 or the Local Board via email:

For more info, dates and times of meetings please visit the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board website here.

Hōtoke/Winter Fun Tamariki Play!

When: Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am, until 25th October
Where: Bayswater School Hall, Roberts Ave, Bayswater
Cost: Free

Tamariki Play is a wonderful opportunity for your little ones (0-5) to play with big toys, be active and make new friends!

Now at a NEW venue - the Bayswater School hall which has plenty of space to spread out.
Every Tuesday morning until 25th October, including the school holidays.  
These FREE, casual attendance sessions are the perfect way to keep little ones active and socialised during the cold & wet months, as well as being a great opportunity for parents to have a hot drink and chat. 
Caregiver supervision is required, parking available.
For more information & updates follow The Devonport Peninsula Trust on Facebook. 

Thanks to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board for their support.

Grey Power Mayoral Candidates Meeting

When: Friday 19th August, 1:00pm
Where: Netball North Harbour Centre 44 Northcote Rd, Takapuna

Grey Power invites you this Friday to hear the candidates for our new Auckland City Mayor.

All welcome, bring your friends and neighbours.

For more info contact:

Follow us to show your support and keep up to date with what's happening in your community on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Neighbourly.

Devonport eNews is a MONTHLY email, listing COMMUNITY EVENTS and NEWS. Inclusion is free to community & not-for-profit organisations and dependent on space.

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